– Botvinnik– Fischer– Kasparov– Karpov– Someone else? Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
World Cup Round 2 Matchups
World Cup Round 2 Matchups (as posted by http://www.chessdom.com/) 1. Ivanchuk, Vassily (UKR) – Bartel, Mateusz (POL) OR Galkin, Alexander (RUS)2. Harikrishna, P. (IND) OR Zhao, Jun (CHN) – Amin, Bassem (EGY) OR Nisipeanu, Liviu-Dieter (ROU)3. Bacrot, Etienne (FRA)...
Sunday afternoon chess tactic
r3k2r/1q3ppp/4p3/p1b5/p2N1Q2/P6P/1P4P1/3R1R1K w kq – 0 1 White to move. Does White have compensation for the 2 pawns? How should White proceed? Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Highlights of World Cup round 1 – game 2
The official coverage of the 2007 World Cup has been horrendous. There are many mistakes and a bunch of links are bad. Here are some of the highlights that I am able to gather so far: – Adams came...
Kamsky advances – US results
GM Adly (2494) – GM Kamsky (2714) [A07]25.11.2007 1.Nf3 d5 2.g3 Nf6 3.Bg2 Bf5 4.0–0 e6 5.c4 c6 6.b3 Be7 7.Bb2 h6 8.d3 0–0 9.Nbd2 a5 10.Ne5 Bh7 11.Qc2 Na6 12.a3 Qb6 13.Qc3 Rfd8 14.d4 Qc7 15.c5 Nd7 16.Nxd7...
LIVE games from the World Cup
Round 1, 2nd games for the US delegation: Adly, Ahmed (EGY) * Kamsky, Gata (USA) ViewOnischuk, Alexander (USA) * Andriasian, Zaven (ARM) ViewVallejo Pons, Francisco (ESP) * Kudrin, Sergey (USA) ViewNavara, David (CZE) * Ivanov, Alexander (USA) ViewBecerra Rivero,...
National Geographic Channel Asia
Andrew from www.gilachess.com just sent me info about the National Geographic Chess Document for Asia. My Brilliant Brain Do differences in gender, brain size and brain hemisphere dominance enable individuals to excel beyond their peers? Or, can education and...
Early Sunday morning chess tactic
r1bq1b1r/pp4kp/2n2np1/4p2Q/3N1R2/PBP1B3/1P4PP/R5K1 w – – 0 1 White to move. How should White proceed? Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Superb endgame by Magnus Carlsen
Picture courtesy of ChessBase IM Zhao (2491) – GM Carlsen (2714) [E12]24.11.2007World Cup 2007 1.d4 Nf6 2.Nf3 e6 3.c4 b6 4.Nc3 Bb7 5.Bg5 Be7 6.e3 h6 7.Bh4 0–0 8.Bd3 c5 9.0–0 cxd4 10.exd4 d5 11.Bxf6 Bxf6 12.cxd5 exd5 13.Re1...
November Carnival of Chess Blog
By Jack LeMoineThe November Carnival of Chess Blogs is now completed. See it http://www.chessdiscussion.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=528 at the Chess Discussion Forum. The forum has been growing by leaps and bounds. This team is especially proud of the chess game viewer. Nick...