White to move. Assess the position. How should White proceed? Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Kramnik wins Tal Memorial with 1 round 1 go

Round 8 results: Kramnik, Vladimir – Mamedyarov, Shakhriyar 1-0Shirov, Alexei – Gelfand, Boris ½-½Kamsky, Gata – Ivanchuk, Vassily ½-½Lékó, Peter – Carlsen, Magnus ½-½Alekseev, Evgeny – Jakovenko, Dmitry ½-½ Standings after 8 rounds: 1. Kramnik, Vladimir g RUS 2785...
Sunday morning chess tactic

White to move. How should White proceed?1rq3k1/2r2p2/pp2pPp1/n1p1P2p/P2R3P/1P6/2PR2PK/2Q5 w – – 0 1 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Kramniks wins a slugfest against Mamedyarov

GM Kramnik (2785) – GM Mamedyarov (2752) [A40]18.11.2007Tal Memorial 2007 1.d4 g6 2.c4 Bg7 3.Nc3 d6 4.e4 e5 5.Nge2 exd4 6.Nxd4 Nc6 7.Be3 Nge7 8.h4 f5 9.h5 fxe4 10.hxg6 hxg6 11.Rxh8+ Bxh8 12.Nxe4 d5 13.Nxc6 bxc6 14.Bd4 Bg4 15.Qxg4...
2 to go in Moscow

Current standings after 7 rounds: 1. Kramnik, Vladimir g RUS 2785 5 2. Shirov, Alexei g ESP 2739 4 3-7. Carlsen, Magnus g NOR 2714 3½Jakovenko, Dmitry g RUS 2710 3½Mamedyarov, Shakhriyar g AZE 2752 3½Gelfand, Boris g ISR...
Using chess to teach math

ORTONVILLESchool uses chess to teach math, thinkingNovember 18, 2007BY LORI HIGGINSFREE PRESS EDUCATION WRITER Meghan Sydow pumped her hand in the air several times, softly muttering “yes, yes, yes,” as teacher Jamie Wagner called out a number that would...
King and Pawn endgame

8/p1p5/4k3/2p5/PP2K3/2P5/8/8 w – – 0 3 White to move. How do you assess this position? How should White proceed? Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar