2B5/P4p1p/1P4pk/2n5/2P1P3/4qPQP/3r2P1/4NK2 b – – 0 3 Black to move. How should Black proceed? Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Correspondence chess news
The following Americans were awarded titles at the 2007 ICCF Congress at Benalmedena, Spain: Correspondence Chess Grandmaster (GM) – Dr. Jason Bokar Correspondence Chess Senior International Master (SIM) – Jon Ostriker- Kenneth M.Reinhart Correspondence Chess International Master (IM)– David...
Game club helps students
Saturday Game Club seeks to help students excel at AIMSEd WadeOct. 31, 2007 12:00 AM Editor’s note: Ed Wade, Maya High School English teacher who also teaches Saturday Game Club, submitted this article.Submit stories on education to lori.baker@arizonarepublic.com. Students...
Chess in Orland Park
Chess tournament Chess players of all ages are invited to join international chess organizer Dr. Mikhail Korenman from 1 to 4 p.m. Saturday for the first round in the Orland Park Public Library’s chess tournament. Registration will begin at...
Create your own caption
Artwork by Mike Magnan Create your own caption 🙂 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Practical chess tactic
3R1r1k/pbr3q1/1p5p/2p2pp1/P1B1p3/1P5P/3Q1PP1/3R3K w – – 0 1 White to move. How should White proceed? Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Robson on his way to an IM norm
6th North American FIDE Invitational 1st – 2nd – 3.5/4.0IM David VigoritoFM Ray Robson 3rd – 4th – 2.5/4.0IM Angelo YoungFM Mehmed Pasalic5th – 2.0/4.0IM Stephen Muhammad 6th – 7th – 1.5 / 4.0FM Todd AndrewsFM Igor Tsyganov 8th...
SPICE Cup at TTU in Lubbock, Texas
2007 SPICE Cup International Invitational Chess TournamentIn memory of Grandmaster Samuel ReshevskyNovember 9 – 16, 2007Texas Tech UniversityLubbock, Texas The average rating of this tournament will be approximately 2527, which is a category 12 event. This will be one...