This is the state of the art Texas Tech Student Union building, where the SPICE Cup Invitational International Chess Tournament will begin tomorrow. The opening ceremony will commence at 2 PM. Texas Tech and Lubbock officials including Mayor David...
Chess making its way to campus
This giant chess set (courtesy of Mega Chess) is located at the Texas Tech Student Union building. It’s the battle of the sexes and the girls earned the bragging right today! Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Thursday afternoon chess tactic
2r1qr1k/pb2bpnp/6pN/1p1p2P1/5PN1/1P1R3Q/P1n3P1/B4R1K w – – 0 1 White to move. How should White proceed? Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
World Chess News TV
I viewed a few episodes of this popular Swedish chess show and I think they are very good. Click here to check it out for yourself. There is no reason why this cannot be done in other languages 🙂...
The $64K questions
In my 34 years in chess, I have been asked tens and thousands of questions in countless interviews, lectures and seminars, etc. One of the most popular questions of in the last few years is about this blog. The...
Nurture thoroughly trumps nature
My Brilliant Brain (National Geographic Documentary)Brad Newsome, reviewerNovember 9, 2007 Nurture thoroughly trumps nature in the first episode of this captivating series about the human brain. The program focuses on chess champion Susan Polgar who might not have been...
Zugzwang by Ronan Bennett
It’s a literary thriller by one of Ireland’s finest contemporary novelists (author of The Catastrophist) who is also a chess columnsit for The Guardian in London. I read the book in two short sittings, virtually unable to put it...
The Humanist
Paul Sims, Editorial Assistant from the New Humanist Magazine just pointed about to me about a recent article in his magazine. It may be an interest to many of you. Enjoy and thanks Paul! Volume 122 Issue 6 November/December...
Thursday morning chess tactic
1r2r2k/3qbp1p/1n4pB/p2pPP2/1pp5/2P2N1P/2B3P1/2R3QK w – – 0 1 White to move. How should White proceed? Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Float like a butterfly, sting like Boris Spassky
Chessboxing heavyweight wins by checkmateBy Matthew MooreLast Updated: 10:03am GMT 08/11/2007 “Float like a butterfly, sting like Boris Spassky”. BBC: Video of the chessboxing world title An unlikely simile, but one that could well be the motivational motto of...