White to move. #ChessPunks #ChessTactic
Precision Chess Tactic
White to move! How should white proceed? Please write out the complete solution.
Winning Chess Tactic
White to move! What is the best continuation for white? This should take less than 10 seconds (at most) to solve.
Daily Chess Improvement: Sunday Night Tactic!
White to move. How should White proceed? 1q6/1bpBQ2p/3p2pk/8/7P/p7/5PP1/6K1 w – – 0 1
Daily Chess Improvement: Find The Right Continuation!
White to move. What is the most accurate continuation for White? 3R4/2Q5/r3qppk/4B3/8/1p6/4P2P/qN5K w – – 0 1