8/4p2p/2P1kpp1/1R2p3/1b3PP1/4B1K1/7P/1r6 w – – 0 1 White to move. How do you assess the position. How should White proceed? Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Kramnik interview

Vladmir Kramnik: “I have lent Anand the crown” The former world champion Vladimir Kramnik is currently in Moscow, preparing for a series of tournaments in November and December, namely the Tal Memorial, then the World Blitz Championship, and finally,...
Muscle and mind

Chessboxing — where pawn meets brawnBy MARK RICE-OXLEYThe Christian Science Monitor LONDON — Andreas Dilschneider was still thinking about his opening moves on the chessboard when his opponent rushed up to him and punched him. Several times. Dilschneider didn’t...
Nakamura vs Kasimdzhanov

The final match in Corsica Rapid – Photo from the organizer Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Robson on pace for IM norm

6th North American FIDE InvitationalRound 6 November 01, 2007 [Section – Board 1] Pasalic, Mehmed vs Mokriak, Ludmila 1-0 [Section – Board 2] Tsyganov, Igor vs Vigorito, David 1/2-1/2 [Section – Board 3] Haessel, Dale vs Robson, Ray 0-1...
Thursday night tactic

5RB1/6p1/7p/6kP/p7/1n1r2PK/2p2P2/8 w – – 0 1 White to move. How does White stop Black’s passed pawns? How should White proceed? Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
The Mayor

Lubbock Mayor David Miller expressed his opinion about the position Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
SPICE reception at the International Cultural Center

5 minute clock simul against Dr. Jim Brink (Senior Vice Provost), Dr. William Marcy (Provost) and Mr. David Miller (Lubbock Mayor) About 175 came for the official SPICE reception at the International Cultural Center. Among the attendees were Hall...