2r1r2k/4P1p1/4R2p/1p2Q3/8/3p3P/p2q2PK/5R2 w – – 0 1 White to move. How can White stop Black’s passed pawns? Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Super super Blitz!
WORLD BLITZ CHAMPIONSHIP 2007Moscow, Russia, 19 – 22 NovemberREGULATIONS 1. FormatThe Championship will be held in two phases:a) Qualification tournament (Swiss system, 11 double rounds) will take place 19 – 20 November. Entitled to participate are players with a...
Hip Hop Chess
NYT article on Hip-hop chess and the recent HHCF Kings Invitational in San Francisco. The Kings Invitational will be followed by the “All Queens Invitational” there in February. The Queens Invitational features a keynote panel around the subject, “Life...
Practical chess tactic
This was an actual game. It is White to move. How do you assess this position? Is this a draw, win for White or win for Black? What is the best way for White to proceed? Chess Daily News...
Children’s Thanksgiving Recipe
A Kindergarten Thanksgiving Cookbook – Part Two…by Mrs. Geraghty’s Kindergarten Class Note: Mrs. Geraghty will not be reponsible for medical bills resulting from use of her cookbook.Christopher – Pumpkin PieFirst you buy a pumpkin and smash it. Then it...
Complaints from the World Youth in Turkey
Tuesday, November 20, 2007Inhumane Attitude by 2007 WYCC Organiser Continues (Day 4) Today mark the 4th day we are in Antalya and Round 3 is scheduled to start as usual at 3pm. First of all, I would like to...
Playing hardball with the IOC
Chess: Served On The Rocks20 Nov 2007 12:32 “It’s a strange situation: ‘chess on ice’ is an Olympic sport. But classical chess isn’t,” told Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, president of the world govertning body for chess (FIDE), the press as he...
ICC European Fiesta
ICC will be holding a special European Party for its members on the evening of Monday, 3 December with its Spanish partners, CET, at the top Barcelona nightclub, Luz de Gas. And this will be no ordinary party, because...
The pride of Houston
2 Children Become HISD Chess SuperstarsBy Lyndsay LevingstonNovember 19, 2007HOUSTON — Hundreds of students participated in the award-winning HISD T.H. Rogers School Chess Program, KPRC Local 2, Your Education Station, reported Monday. “Well, I had lessons last year and...
Rook and Knight endgame
8/3k4/p6p/2P3p1/n1KN2P1/7P/2R5/3r4 w – – 0 1 White to move. How should White proceed? Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar