Posted on Thu, Nov. 15, 2007Teacher polishes students’ chess skillsBY DAVID RODRIGUEZ Math teacher Silvio Lores can write, without hesitation, the names of all 42 students who have attended his chess club at José Martí Middle School. ”That’s what...
Battle of the gender in Aguascalientes
OPENING OF 2ND MIXED CHESS TOURNAMENT“FESTIVAL DE LAS CALAVERAS” Participant visit El Encino College in promotion to program AXA.Spectacular opening lives in Aguascalientes Museum. By the morning, the participants were inviting for authorities of the Encino College. The principal...
A true story writen by a father
This story was sent to me by One Boy’s Chess Story My son is now 11. Diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD), he has had real social and behavioral difficulties since he was 18 months old, when...
SPICE Cup Round 8 Pairings
Gulko, Boris – Miton, KamilHernandez, Gilberto – Schneider, DmitryBeccerra, Julio – Krush, IrinaHera, Imre – Hoyos, Manuel LeonLugo, Blas – Perelshteyn, Eugene Games will begin at 3 pm and can be seen LIVE on Chess Daily News from...
Practical chess tactic
6r1/4pp1k/1p4qp/3Pn1r1/4QR2/P1P1N3/1P3PP1/4R1K1 b – – 0 1 Black to move. What is the best continuation for Black? Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Viva Mexico
The participants from Mexico, GM Gilberto Hernandez and GM-elect Manuel Hoyos Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Smile for Chess Life Online!
Irina Krush, US Women’s Champion, photographer and reporter! Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
The strongest living room in America?
One of the players was joking that this must be the strongest living room in America tonight with 6 GMs and 5 IMs! Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
So what do professional players do for fun?
After the 7th round, all the players, faculty, staff, and members of the organizing committee met up at my home for a party. So what do the chess professionals do after dinner? Analyze chess on the big screen TV!...