This story was sent to me by
One Boy’s Chess Story
My son is now 11. Diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD), he has had real social and behavioral difficulties since he was 18 months old, when we were asked to remove him from our church-based day-care. Subsequently, he was thrown out of several day-care centers, a Montessori school, and yet another private school. Since he is also gifted, his first break came in the 2nd grade, when the school in which he was started offering not only individual classes for kids like him (ADHD is considered a handicap), but also specialized classes for gifted children.
Although his measured IQ is close to 150, his grades have never been spectacular, in fact, they have always been an average mix of As, Bs, Cs and even an occasional D. Highly variable from quarter to quarter, mostly dependent on his level of interest in a subject. Behavioral problems continued, notwithstanding a lot of help from the school system, from us, from psychologists and psychiatrists and from medications (Ritalin and clonidine).
I might add that he is an only child, and although both of us are working, we are deeply caring, committed, spiritual, and have learned a lot about ADHD. We are both professionals; in fact I am a psychologist, therefore better prepared than most to understand and to know from where to seek help.
Things had become pretty bad at about age 9 and half. Nothing seemed to work: timeouts, structure, behavioral management systems, medications …nothing.
About a 18 months ago, my son suddenly developed an interest in chess, primarily because of a friend who just moved into town and who has been teaching all his boys how to play. All his boys are a tad younger than ours. Since our son has had many ‘sudden’ interests, only to be followed soon by a total lack of interest in the same area, we just allowed events to take their natural course, being supportive as always, and providing opportunities whenever appropriate.
He stayed with it, learned some more-we got him some software, books, the usual. A major change came about a year ago when I inquired about the quality of electronic chess games. Mr. Sloan replied that there is no substitute for face-to-face experiences and invited us to the Sunday quads held at the university.
As they say, the rest is history. A few months after starting to play publicly, our son came in second in the state scholastic chess championships and recently only lost to the number one-ranked player in his age group in the city championships. According to him, he lost concentration for a minute and should have won that game too. We will see 🙂
Anyway, today he is a straight A student and his behavioral problems are minimal (but not trivial). He is enthusiastic about the friendships he has made, spends time organizing himself (a difficult task for AHDH children), is quite respectful, and has learned to control his temper by taking himself out of the class and going to the library to play chess. His social skills (quite atrocious until recently) have improved significantly. His language skills have also improved noticeably. He does algebra in his head.
The reward system for appropriate performance and behavior? Time on or the Internet Chess Club.
Sorry: no control subjects, no double blind, no defined independent variables (actually there are two: chess and age). Nonetheless, I think that the great improvements we have seen are, to a large extent, due to chess.
Best, Andrew — AJR, Alabama, USA
Nice story.
A very nice story, indeed. I love the game and organized and direct scholastic events, so I was more than just curious. I did a quick search and found out that this story be be somewhat old. I could be wrong. The name, Andrew, the name of the TD, and the state led me to some artitcles about claims of chess being banned from a certain school back in 1997 or 1998. I believe there was an article on Chess Life by Larry Evans. IF my search gave me the right information, I was disappointed to see that the boy (again, I may have the wrong person!) only played chess from 1996-1998 in seven events and really never finished as high in a tournament as the article claims. The only posibility that I see was a finish in a tie for 33rd place among 68 participants in a K-6 section. It is possible, however, that since K-3 and 4-6 played in the same section in that event, that separate titles were awarded. If is also possible, but not likely, that the event was not rated. If not, the story would be a stretch, but, again, I could have the wrong person. Actually, the finish does not really matter, it is the love for the game and what is does to a person that really matters! The kid whose record I saw on MSA, quit while rated in the 500s, but, again, that is not important. That he may have quit is…
I do hope that everything in the story is true because that would make it is very inspiring indeed…
“Andrew” is the dad’s name, not the name of the kid. So by doing a search including “Andrew” would have missed articles that talked about the kid and not mention the dad.
Yes, I am aware that Andrew is the dad’s name! In the search, I came up with the name of a kid — Trey…
Here is part, and only part, of what can be found doing a search. This was about an Alabama school, the kid played in a few tournament organized by the same TD, etc.
“In 1998 Andrew wrote on the Net: “Last year [1997] my kid’s intermediate school principal forbade holding chess tournaments on the school’s premises on the grounds that it was ‘too competitive and does not foster the appropriate spirit commensurate with school principles.’ The school also dissolved its newly-created chess club. Mind you, these were 9- to 11-year-olds trying to learn something new. Our son Trey came in second in his peer group at the State Scholastic Championship and did most of his training on the Internet Chess Club and Yahoo games.”
Again, it is possible that this is not yielding the correct name! The funny thing about today’s capability on the internet, and webpages that contain a player’s entire rated tournament history, is that much of that information was not readily available 10 years ago!
I was the second highest rated player in Alabama from 1993, behind Stuart Rachels, and the Denker representative from Alabama from 1988-1990 and I have never heard of this kid. I moved to Virginia in the late 90s.I still keep in touch with my chess friends in Alabama and none of them mentioned this. This story seems to be a feel-good story where the facts have been embellished. – Daniel Miller
poor research.
If you read the article correctly, and check out msa, you can find a person who:
– played in a tourney and lost to the top kid in the last round in his age section (not Denker, high school level)
– won second place in another tourney
– happened since he was playing chess 18 months ago (why did people go back to 1998???)
– satisfies one other clue if you read the article correctly.
Daniel Miller,
So the fact that none of your chess friends know of this story which happened in the last 18 months and is not exactly front page news, mean it is made up?
Do those chess friends follow scholastic chess that closely to know who would lose to a top rated kid in the last round of a tournament?