Local Agency Plans to Break Guiness Record

Written by press release
Tuesday, 24 June 2008

Ocean Township, NJ, – On September 27, 2008, Prevention First will host the 8th annual ChessFest – ChessFest 2008 – in Asbury Park, NJ. This year’s event is planned to benefit the more than 14,000 children and adults who are expected to participate. It is also geared to set a new Guinness record for the most chess games played simultaneously in one location, breaking the record set in Mexico City in 2006. ChessFest 2008 will be star-studded and attract the world’s finest and most famous chess players. Pre-event chess-related festivities are planned to run all during the week prior to the event and include a movie, a play and more.

Since its inception eight years ago, the focus of Prevention First’s ChessFest has been on local children, attracting children from Monmouth and surrounding counties. This year, children and adults – from all over the United States and worldwide – have been invited to participate in what is expected to be a record-setting event. More than 7,000 children are expected to participate and take home with them a positive, life-long interest, as well as many special memories and a sense of pride knowing they were part of this major event that promises to be extraordinary.

The primary goal of ChessFest is for children to develop an interest in chess. This game helps children learn how to outwit, outthink and outmaneuver those who do not act in their best interest. Chess is a healthy activity that aids in the development of logic, reasoning and problem-solving abilities, memory and concentration, visualization skills, critical thinking, patience and determination.

Here is the full article.

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Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
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