Photo by Betsy Dynako Who are these 2 players and create your own clever caption 🙂 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Carlsen lost, Radjbov won to catch up

7th round (July 31th) Loek van Wely – Teimour Radjabov 0 – 1Magnus Carlsen – Yannick Pelletier 0 – 1Bu Xiangzhi – Alexander Grischuk ½ – ½Judit Polgar – Alexander Onischuk 1/2Boris Avrukh – Alexander Motylev 1/2 Click here...
3rd round of the Polgar and Denker events

About 100 boys and girls representing their states to compete for the national crowns and scholarships to Texas Tech Univeristy. Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Making a difference in South Africa

PRESS RELEASEFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CHESS GURU VISITS SA SCHOOLS AUGUST 2007 PAGE 1 OF 2 Following successful tours in March this year and in 2006, David MacEnulty, American school teacher on whom the Hollywood movie Knights of the South...
Zhu Chen and Zhao Xue win North Urals Cup

In the battle of 2 former World Women’s Champions, Zhu Chen and Anotoaneta Stefanova faced each other in the last round. Zhu won to win the 2007 North Urals Cup. In the battle of 2 young stars and tournament...
A story worth reading by GM Baburin of Chess Today

IM Afromeev: the ‘Late Achiever’ or Con Artist?by GM Alex Baburin from (issue CT-2457) [If you are not a subscriber of Chess Today, go to their website and check it out. It is very very good.] My dear...
Korchnoi ties for 1st in Banja Luka

The Evergreen Grandmaster Victor Korchnoi and Serbian GM Ilincic Zlatko tied for 1st in the Banja Luka tournament. They won by a margin of 1.5 point ahead of the 3rd place finisher! GM Ulf Andersson drew all 9 of...
SP Puzzle Solving Results

SPNI Puzzle Solving 2007 Results – Here are some of the top scores Name # of Correct Time Courtney Jamison 10 7 minutesJulia Kerr 10 8Ashley Carter 10 10Jordana Williams 10 10.5Anna Matlin 10 12.5Megan Lee 10 14Ananya Roy...
The Championship Games

These are the two games which decided to 2007 SP National Invitational Blitz Championship. Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
SP Puzzle Solving Championship (part 2)

Here are the last 6 puzzles. Remember, the winning time was about 6.5 minutes including filling out the name and rating. If you want to see the full size puzzles, click on the picture and it will enlarge. Chess...