Girls 18 top 15 after 8 rounds Ranking crosstable after Round 8 Rk. Name Rtg FED 1.Rd 2.Rd 3.Rd 4.Rd 5.Rd 6.Rd 7.Rd 8.Rd 9.Rd Pts. TB1 TB2 TB3 Rp 1 WFM Obolentseva Alexandra 2331 RUS 34w1 19b1 ...
World Youth Championship Updates Boy 18 top 15 after 8 Ranking crosstable after Round 8 Rk. Name Rtg FED 1.Rd 2.Rd 3.Rd 4.Rd 5.Rd 6.Rd 7.Rd 8.Rd 9.Rd Pts. TB1 TB2 TB3 Rp 1 IM Vavulin Maksim 2582 RUS 22w1 23b½ 10w1...
Anish Giri on a tear, leads Tal Memorial with 3 wins in 4 games
Round 4 results GM Nepomniachtchi, Ian vs GM Aronian, Levon [1/2-1/2] GM Kramnik, Vladimir vs GM Anand, Viswanathan [1-0] GM Svidler, Peter vs GM Giri, Anish [0-1] GM Gelfand, Boris vs GM Li, Chao [0-1] GM Tomashevsky, Evgeny...
FIDE General Assembly 2016 Decisions
87th FIDE Congress General Assembly 11-13 September 2016 Baku, Azerbaijan Decisions GA-2016/1. To reject the proposal of the Jamaica Chess Federation to amend the GA Agenda by including a proposal for the FIDE President to resign. GA-2016/2. To accept...
Peruvian Olympiad Team Recognized for Olympiad Performance
Lima, Sep. 27 Peruvian Sports Institute (IPD) paid homage to national chess team due to its historic performance at the 42nd Chess Olympiad, where the squad ended among the world’s top 10. At the site, IPD President Saul Barrera...
Qiyu Zhou wins Canadian Women’s Championship
2016 Canadian Women’s Championship (Zonal 2.2) Date: September 22-25, 2016 Tournament Info Place: RA Centre, 2451 Riverside Drive, Ottawa. Format: 7-round Round Robin. Time Control: 40moves/90minutes + Game/30 min + 30-seconds per move from move 1. Rounds: Players meeting:...
Anish Giri and Nepomniachtchi lead Tal Memorial after 3 with 3,000+ performance Standings after 3 rounds 1. Nepomniachtchi, Ian gm RUS 2740 * . . ½ . . . 1 1 . 2½ 2. Giri, Anish gm NED 2755 . * ½ . . . . . 1 1 2½...
Tal Memorial round 3 results
Round 3 results GM Aronian, Levon vs GM Svidler, Peter [1/2-1/2] GM Nepomniachtchi, Ian vs GM Kramnik, Vladimir [1-0] GM Giri, Anish vs GM Tomashevsky, Evgeny [1-0] GM Li, Chao vs GM Anand, Viswanathan [1/2-1/2] GM Mamedyarov, Shakhriyar vs...
$1.65 million Spectacular Chess Set
Inside Battle of Issus, A $1.65-Million Chess Set That Took 10 Years to Make Eustacia Huen , CONTRIBUTOR Attention chess lovers and history buffs, there’s now a chess set at M.S. Rau Antiques in New Orleans on sale for...