When will Magnus Carlsen break 2800? By the end of 2009 First quarter of 2010 Second quarter of 2010 Let me call Magnus and ask him pollcode.com free polls Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
A look back at an American phenom

Ray has clearly demonstrated to me that he is Grandmaster strength. He is extremely sharp tactically. He is a very good attacking player. He has nerve of steel. He is a fighter. He has excellent study habit. But most...
Magnus’ charge to 2800

After a hot start in Nanjing, Magnus Carlsen is making a serious charge toward 2800. It is not a question if he will eventually be #1. The only question is when. Rank Name Rating Change # games 01 Topalov...
Almási, Vajda lead Marx György Memorial

Men’s section: Name Rating 1 2 3 4 5 6 Pts 1. Safarli, Eltaj g 2587 ½ ½ ½ 0 ½ 2 2. Ganguly, Surya g 2634 ½ 1 1 0 ½ 3 3. Meier, Georg g 2664 ½...
Find the best path

White to move. What is the most precise continuation for White? 1rq2nk1/1p3rp1/5p2/3N1b2/p6p/P6P/1PP2QB1/1K1R2R1 w – – 0 1
Carlsen leads Nanjing

Official website: http://www.chess-pearlspring.com/www/chess_pk/2009/en/index.htm Round 3 results: Wang Yue – Carlsen, Magnus ½-½ Radjabov, Teimour – Jakovenko, Dmitry ½-½ Topalov, Veselin – Leko, Peter ½-½ Standings after 3 rounds: 1. Carlsen, Magnus g NOR 2772 2½ 2-4. Wang Yue g...
Magnus finally … slowed down

Wang Yue (2736) – Carlsen, Magnus (2772) [D83]2nd Pearl Spring, Nanjing China (3), 30.09.2009 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 d5 4.Bf4 Bg7 5.e3 0–0 6.Rc1 Be6 7.c5 c6 8.Bd3 Bg4 9.Qc2 Nfd7 10.Bxb8 Nxb8 11.h3 Bc8 12.f4 b6 13.Na4...
Women’s GP update

Round 3 results: Dzagnidze, Nana – Zhu Chen 1-0 Ju Wenjun – Yildiz, Betul Cemre 1-0 Fierro Baquero, Martha – Sebag, Marie ½-½ Munguntuul, Batkhuyag – Kovanova, Baira ½-½ Shen Yang -Zhao Xue 0-1 Mkrtchian, Lilit – Xu Yuhua...
Dzagnidze perfect in Nanjing

[Event “FIDE GP w”][Site “Nanjing CHN”][Date “2009.09.30”][Round “3”][White “Dzagnidze, N.”][Black “Zhu Chen”][Result “1-0”][ECO “D49”][WhiteElo “2535”][BlackElo “2488”][EventDate “2009.09.28”] 1. d4 d5 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 c6 4. e3 Nf6 5. Nf3 Nbd7 6. Bd3 dxc4 7. Bxc4 b5 8....
‘Developing Chess Talent’

GM Artur Yusupov training young talents in Apeldoorn (photo book cover by Fred Lucas) PRESS RELEASE Book ‘Developing Chess Talent’ The book ‘Developing Chess Talent’ will be published in April 2010. The subtitle is ‘How to create a chess...