This was an actual game that was played earlier today between GM Roiz (White) and Nakamura (Black) in Gibraltar. It is White to move. Play out this position against your friends or computer. Can you find the winning strategy for White?
Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Bf3 maybe
🙂 after Rh8 g4 !?! … too hard for me
Creo que la estrategia del blanco debe basarse en:
1.Eliminar el caballo situado en el hole.
2.Intentar llegar a un final de A vs C (B vs N)el cual posiblemente sea ganado por la mejor configuaración de peones (3 islas vs 2 islas) y la mas ágil accion del alfil en los casos de desequilibrio de peones en las alas.-
—Esa es la idea estrategica…no me pregunten que maniobras tacticas son necesarias para conseguirlo?)
you are close… straight..
will open up the black king defenses and allow infiltration of white R, Q, and knight.
Bf3 then g4 and then perhaps Rd1 or Re1
looks ok
Not sure, but how about hxg5?
If 1. (… Kxg5, Rh4 Rh8, Qb2)
If 2. (… Qxg5, Rad1 Qe5, f4)
It is not something straight forward, i think the idea is 1.hxg5 so as the Blac h-Pawn remains isolated and easy to be attacked via Bf3 and Rh4. Then Ng2 (heading for f4)and the position of Black becomes very difficult. Then it is a matter of tactics and technique.
Ng4 seems more certain than g4 since it also prevents black’s knight from defending g5
If …pxN then Rxg4 and there are too many options for white to enumerate here.
If … welll I cant see any useful move for black here that defends, can you? if the king moves then pxp. the queen cant go anywhere useful because of the knight.
Can you find the winning strategy for White ? : NO, so what is the solution please, computers don’t like my Bf3
look up the Gibraltar games round 5. the game ended in a draw.. bf3 was indeed played.
GM Roiz resigned this game with a drawn position.
White has a winning position, try the plan i suggested above.
Ok…am I crazy to think a Queen sacrifice gets white somewhere. After Bf3+ white can play hxg5, move the king to g2 and swing the rook to h1. black can’t take g5 back because of Rg4 supported by knight