White to move. How should white proceed? 3Q4/p2n1p2/r2k2p1/3Pq2p/8/5BP1/p4PK1/2R5 w – – 0 2 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Middlegame calculation
Black to move. How does Black proceed to maintain the initiative? r4rk1/4n1p1/3b1qnp/pp1P1p2/1PB5/P1B2P1Q/4N2P/R4R1K b – – 0 1 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Practical game exercise
White to move. Do you prefer White or Black? What is the best plan for White? This is a good game to play out from this point. r1br2k1/p1q2pp1/4p1np/2ppP2Q/2n5/2PB1N2/2P2PPP/R1B1R1K1 w – – 0 22 Hartston, William – Portisch, Lajos (Nice,...
Practical game decision
White to move. What is the best continuation for White? 3rk2r/2qnb2p/1pp1p1pn/5p2/p1bN1P2/2P1BNPP/PPQ3BK/R5R1 w k – 0 1 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Middlegame tactic
White to move. How should White proceed?Level of difficulty: 2 out of 4 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Middlegame play
White to move. How would you assess this position? Which side would you prefer? What would you do next? Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Middlegame play
This was a game between GM Romanishin and GM Ivanchuk. Can you assess this position? It is White to move. What is the best continuation for White? Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Middlegame improvement
White to move. This was a game between Dzhumaev and Korneev at the 2006 Triesta Open. White is in trouble. What is the best possible continuation for White to have a chance to hold? Chess Daily News from Susan...
A good middlegame lesson
This is the actual position between GM-elect Aagaard and IM Gordon. It is White to move. Black just played 23…Ne5. How would you assess this position? What is the plan for White? Play this position out against your computer...