FIDE Presidential elections started in Khanty Mansyisk
he latest updates from the Ilyumzhinov – Karpov race
Presented by Chessdom

Current FIDE president Kirsan Ilyumzhinov is standing for re-election at FIDE’s GA and faces the opposition Soviet ex world champion Anatoly Karpov. The election day started in Khanty Mansyisk at 9:00 local time. The voting continues for 6-7 hours and the counting of the ballots will be finished after 15:00 CET (update: the results will be in at 14:00 CET, confirmed Chessdom journalists from Khanty Mansiysk), stay tuned with, we will be following the election day with updates at this article.

A candidate has to ensure the votes of more than 50% of the countries to claim victory and be elected as FIDE President. Anatoly Karpov opened his campaign a few months ago with the support of 20 countries. Ilyumzhinov followed a similar announcement method that started a few weeks later, but while Karpov’s supporters have practically remained at the same level, Ilyumzhinov is now openly supported by 102 countries (the lates additions to the list are Algeria, Bahamas, Chile, Ethiopia, Iran, Mauritius, Pakistan, United Arab Emirates). Karpov and Kasparov underlined in Russian media that they rely on the fact the voting is secret.

The Australian Sunday Morning Herald comes with a large article on the race day where it acknowledges the seriousness of the choice coming, but at the same time looks at the irony in the elections. “Russia officially nominated Ilyumzhinov while Karpov, famous for grinding his opponents into submission with his patient tactics during his Soviet-era heyday, was ironically nominated by the United States.In another irony, Karpov’s once greatest rival now vehement Kremlin critic Garry Kasparov has flown to Khanty-Mansiysk to back his candidacy.”

Update: As with every important election worldwide, a scandal is normal to take place. This time to no surprise it comes from Kasparov, who questioned the proxy list and procedures for the current elections. The proxy list included 56 countries that have entrusted the their right to vote (without change of position) to other member states participating. Examples: Kenya had entrusted the their right to vote, Zambia and Kuwait – United Arab Emirates, Liechtenstein – Switzerland and Myanmar – to China.

Kasparov protested that this proxy list has to be discussed before roll call, and has started a dispute, questioning the whole elections at times. The move of Kasparov resembles his political tactics from the last years and following the development of the campaign was expected. More details on Kasparov’s request will be published later. No commentary from FIDE was made so far.

Stay tuned for updates!

Electoral process

To secure a fair and impartial electoral process, three scrutineers, a chairman and two members, shall be appointed for the elections. Preceding the elections, there shall be a roll-call, in alphabetical order, to establish the number of votes possible.

Marked ballots shall be prepared for the elections, with the names of the candidates if there is more than one for a given office. Each Presidential candidate is entitled to appoint one observer for the counting of the ballots.

In the elections the names of the federations shall be called. They are to put their ballots in a box with a slot in the order called.

A majority of the votes cast, not counting abstentions, shall be required for the election of the officers individually and collectively where necessary. If three or more persons are nominated for the same offices or office, the candidates that receive 50% plus one of the votes cast, are elected on the first ballot.

Tickets for the 2010 FIDE elections

FIDE elections take place every 4 years during the Chess Olympiad, the largest national teams chess event. The 2010 FIDE elections in Khanty-Mansiysk were scheduled for September.

The FIDE President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov has announced that he will seek re-election for the term 2010-2014. The other candidate, former World Champion Anatoly Karpov, has also announced that he will run for the office of FIDE President. No other applications were received until the deadline in June and the following presidential tickets were submitted.

I.Presidential ticket of Mr. Kirsan Ilyumzhinov:

1.President – Mr. Kirsan Ilyumzhinov nominated by Russia, Argentina and Mexico,
2.Deputy President – Mr. Georgios Makropoulos nominated by Greece,
3.Vice President – Mr. Lewis Ncube nominated by Zambia,
4.Vice President – Mrs. Beatriz Marinello nominated by Chile and Brazil,
5.General Secretary – Mr. Ignatius Leong nominated by Singapore,
6.Treasurer – Mr. Nigel Freeman nominated by Bermuda.

II.Presidential ticket of Mr. Anatoly Karpov:

1.President – Mr. Anatoly Karpov nominated by France, Germany and Switzerland,
2.Deputy President – Mr. Richard Conn Jr nominated by USA,
3.Vice President – Dr. Aguinaldo Jaime nominated by Angola,
4.Vice President – Prof. Dr. Alisa Maric nominated by Serbia,
5.General Secretary – Mr. Abd Hamid Majid nominated by Malaysia,
6.Treasurer – Mr. Viktor Kapustin nominated by Ukraine.

Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
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