Nigel Freeman: “Thanks to the Olympiad Ugorians made friends with people from 160 countries worldwide”
At the next press-conference FIDE Treasurer and the President of Bermuda Chess Federation Nigel Freeman told us the truth about FIDE finances.
– Nigel, how long have you been occupying the post of the FIDE Treasurer?
N.F.: Since 2006 when I was elected the FIDE Treasurer during the Olympiad in Torino. My candidature is proposed for this post at this 81st FIDE Congress as well.
– Have you managed to increase FIDE accounts for these years?
N.F.: Indeed. We find sponsors to organize international level tournaments as well as sponsor trainers, arbiters, CACDEC and other commissions. However, as you all know, there was a court case in Lausanne and FIDE had to spend a lot of money for legal fees. I can say that this money was not spent in vain since settled in our favor: we have defended our rights and we hope to get the financial reimbursement.
– Does FIDE have sponsors?
N.F.: Sponsors do not finance FIDE, but tournaments organized by the World Chess Federation. At the present moment FIDE is cooperating on this issue with an international company “Chess Network Сorporation”. We are working very actively and I believe that you will be able to see its results in the near future.
– There was information in Mass Media that an Arab Sheikh will become a sponsor. What can you tell us about it?
N.F.: This is the issue that is treated by FIDE President personally – you know that he has serious relations with many countries. I am only an Advisor in this matter.
– What is your attitude to the fact that FIDE is accused in corruption by the candidate to the FIDE President’s post?
N.F.: I am surprised that he still continues accusing us as he is not able to give any proof to this. I can assure you that FIDE is one of the most open international organizations as far as finances are concerned. All the financial reports are published on our site. There is a controlling system that includes our internal Verification Commission and FIDE auditing by the world-known company “Ernst and Young” in Switzerland.
– What is the way of FIDE development from the commercial point of view?
N.F.: The collaboration with CNC will enable us to provide the financing of chess tournaments and popularize this sport in the world. In general it is not easy to find sponsors. Mostly people watch games in Internet where by the way there is no problem. According to my data, the Olympiad site is visited by more than 130 000 people.
– Maybe it is worth working on the chess format and trying to make this game more entertaining?
N. F.: FIDE has already investigated this time-control that becomes more popular however we should not forget classical chess.
– What would you say about the organization of the Olympiad?
N.F.: It is perfect! I think that this Olympiad is almost the best one in the chess history. No matter whom I talk to about the organizational level – I hear only positive impressions. Personally I am very happy about the attitude of accompanying persons towards their teams. For the past two weeks people in Khanty-Mansiysk made friends with participants from 160 countries worldwide!
– You were the only one wearing shorts at Bermuda party. Weren’t you cold on the way?
– It was much colder two years ago in Dresden, – Freeman is laughing, – However, when I will come back here for the World Cup next year, I doubt that you will see me wearing them.
Chess peace.