It seems that Senator John McCain will get the nomination for the Republican Party. However, it is a virtual dead lock on the other side between Senator Hillary Clinton and Senator Barack Obama. My friend GM Alex Onischuk is already on the record endorsing Obama. Do you agree with him? Who do you think will win? Clinton or Obama?
Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
I really hope that Obama will win, despite thinking that the differences between Obama and Clinton are not irreconcilable. They’re actually pretty close when it comes to the actual issues, despite my personal views still being more aligned to Obama’s. The problem, however, is that if Hillary Clinton does receive the Democratic nomination, then all of the independents and floating voters that Obama has been attracting are going to go to McCain. McCain has shown himself to be particularly good at attracting votes from this sizable group, whereas Clinton is terrible at it. Sure, she’ll get some of them to support her, especially if Obama says “sorry guys, I lost, but please vote for Hillary instead”, but she is simply not going to be able to retain them all. They just don’t resonate with her.
Another thing that’s extremely important is that if Clinton gets the nomination, then all of the Republicans who would otherwise stay home or support McCain from a distance, are going to run to the voting booth to vote against Hillary Clinton. They don’t like her, either.
A Clinton nomination will seriously endanger the chance of a Democratic victory. That’s the worst that can happen after eight years of Republican dominance.
I really don’t have that big a problem with Clinton being the president, but I simply don’t think she’ll be able to reach that point. Obama has a much better chance, and that’s why he needs to win this nomination so desperately.
Vote! I can’t, you do it for me instead!
whoever wins,we are in big trouble!
i don’t think any of them are qualifed. clinton would sell her daughter to be president. mccain doesn’t have the backbone to be tough on the terrorists and i don’t trust obama.
Republican or Democrat, it doesn’t matter. I’m moving to Canada. I’ll come back after the ashes settle.
I put my hopes in Obama´s victory,probably he is the only candidate for a real change.
And about terrorists…we have also big problems with the terroristm,but our country fights against them,does not feed or arm them like the CIA did with Osama Bin Laden.I believe you need to choose better what people you are supporting worldwide or you could have this type of “surprises”.
In anycase,hopefully,the american help (basicly information) allow us to prevent attacks,like the bombs in Barcelona(Spain) bus services.It was about one month ago.
the irrational conservative vilification of Ms Clinton always distresses me
Obama is right on target when he says that the problem with Washington is that our government is broken. Nothing can get done because of divisiveness and Clinton or McCain will only continue the gridlock. Obama will move the country forward and McCain will try to recreate the past.
The world is changing,we borrow from China and it gets stronger, Russia gains strength by helping to perpetuate the oil situation. We need a president that recognizes that we have to change with the world and that we need strong allies around the world.
im to young to vote. I’m only ten. but ask me to chose between sponge bob and barney and i would tell you.
WCM Claudia Munoz
If America has spine and any bit of reasoning, they need to vote for Obama. Why? Among many other reaonss the one that stands out is that he did not support the Iraq war, but Ms. Clinton did. She was so stupid enough to give unlimited power to Bush to take matter in his own hans. What was she thinking by given such power to Bush. She had no ecscuse to say, “Oh..I did not know or expect that GB would go to war against Iraq”. For this single blunder that once again have placed US in the wrong path, people like John Kerry (who lost it last time) or Hilary should not be elected.
Obama brings fresh breath of air, clean guy, great motivator and leader and the only one who opposed to Iraq war from the start. If he is not nominated, Americans (not the Bush’s government alone) are to be blamed for everything. Even now, they are to be blamed because they failed to impeach Bush and not only that they managed to re-elect him. That I think is the single most disastrous decision that a democratic conuntry could ever make. What a shame!
I vote for Barney! He is a meat eating conservative.
Spongebob is too liberal and I hear he is mixed up with a starfish!
I think Hillary Clinton really needs to win Texas Pennslyvania and hopefully Ohio to keep it close. As of now Hillary has more super delegates. These delegates are given to high ranking Democratic party affiliates. These affiliates do not have to give them to Hillary but if they did she would win the nomination. I hope Hillary Rodham Clinton wins the nomination and The Presidency. I think she has exprience in The U.S. Senate and experience in The Whitehouse, I mean eight years being first Lady has to have seasoned her to the political arena of the nation and abroad. Hillary has more concrete ideas and plans instead of superficila feel good hype of the buzz word change that Obabms lives for. Change could be good but I would like to hear the plan.
For a whole year, Hillary Clinton has been cursed by 1) conservative talk radios, 2) republican bloggers, and 3) black demo bloggers every single day. Obama was not taking seriously before Iowa by anybody. That’s the reason we have a tight race now.
One interesting thing I am wondering is why so many diehard republicans came out to vote in demo primary for Obama as disguised independents. maybe they know it’s hard to beat Clinton but think they could run over Obama in general election. That may be true, because in general election, black bloc will not be as significant as in Demo Primary and all the republicans are still coming out no matter it’s Clinton or Obama.
I think right now the most important and practical things for this country are 1) stop the bleeding and loss of $700 million a day in Iraq 2) ensure univeral health care for every American. This two things will be accomplished by Clinton.
Be realistic and support Hillary Clinton. Remember they balanced the budget before leaving the White House. See for youself: we now have over $9 trillion national debt and it increases at $1.5 billion a day! Do you think Obama knows how to balance this budget or even wants to reduce the debt?
Think again chess players, you know how to think and what’s more important. Do you care more about: fix the broken Washington politics, unite the country, believe in a dream, etc. etc., hollow stuff?