Played Bobby Fischer

Missouri has a connection to Bobby Fischer (1/19, FYI, “The search for Bobby Fischer ends; U.S. chess champion put Soviet players in check before reclusive move”). My brother, Jack B. Winters, now deceased, played Fischer to a draw at the University of Kansas in Lawrence.

Fischer at that time was a seven-time U.S. chess champ and was at Lawrence giving a lecture and demonstration. He played 43 players, winning 42 games and drawing one.

At the time, Jack had been playing chess for about five years. It was his lifelong hobby. I think the match was in 1963, sponsored by the KU Chess Club.

Jack, a founding member of the Missouri Chess Federation and a University of Missouri graduate, opened the Chess House in 1972, just in time for the world championship Fischer-Spassky match at Reykjavik.

He owned and operated the Chess House, located at 39th and Main and 74th and Broadway, for seven years.

He was once the highest rated player (U.S. Chess Federation) in Missouri.

Fischer, as well as my brother, inspired others to play chess and form chess clubs. His photo and article appeared in The Star at the time.

Elizabeth Miesner
Springfield, Mo.


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