Anand wants to renew rivalry with Kasparov

New Delhi (PTI): Having established himself as the undisputed World Champion, Viswanathan Anand wants to renew his rivalry with Garry Kasparov, one of the greatest chess players ever.

Anand has managed to defeat Kasparov only eight times in 78 matches — classical as well as rapid chess — in his career and lost 27 games before the former undisputed World Champion quit active chess.

“Yes, if Kasparov is interested. It will be very interesting. For me it will be a nice challenge. There is a match waiting for him if he wants,” Anand said.

“I can assure him that it will be less dangerous than his current occupation,” he quipped, referring to the former champion’s dabbling in political matters.

Anand said beating Kasparov was even more satisfying than winning the recent World Championships title . “Beating Kasparov was certainly more satisfying,” he said.


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