Anand wants to renew rivalry with Kasparov
New Delhi (PTI): Having established himself as the undisputed World Champion, Viswanathan Anand wants to renew his rivalry with Garry Kasparov, one of the greatest chess players ever.
Anand has managed to defeat Kasparov only eight times in 78 matches — classical as well as rapid chess — in his career and lost 27 games before the former undisputed World Champion quit active chess.
“Yes, if Kasparov is interested. It will be very interesting. For me it will be a nice challenge. There is a match waiting for him if he wants,” Anand said.
“I can assure him that it will be less dangerous than his current occupation,” he quipped, referring to the former champion’s dabbling in political matters.
Anand said beating Kasparov was even more satisfying than winning the recent World Championships title . “Beating Kasparov was certainly more satisfying,” he said.
Let’s see thats 90.25% OVERALL LOSING RECORD AGAINST Kasparov, But it will bring more prestige back to Chess, now lets find a sponser, and then Kasparov to leave politics for say 24 games?!?
I just don’t see Kasparov entertaining the thought. he has other fish to fry now…Rich
Anand is world champion at 37. Gelfand who is 39 finished second. At 44, Kasparov obviously still has many years to play at his peak. Probably the next 5-10 years or so, before he loses out due to dementia.
I guess Anand is looking to lose the title as quickly as he gained it…
Could you imagine if anand lost to Kasparov then there would be another Kramnik verses Kasparov match next year intead of an Anand vs Kramnik match. But it Kramnik gets it there is no way that there would be a match with Kasparov!
It would be even cooler if Kasparov beats Putin in the elections and then plays Anand for the World Championship. I bet no one was ever president of Russia and the WC Champion!
hi susan how r u? nice to meet u. bye. -from india.