Mr. Lawrence Totaro of Ultimate Chess Collecting found this collectible poster from back in 1935. It actually used chess to promote Highland Queen Product.
The fascinating part is in each of the posters, a chess puzzle is included. I particularly like this puzzle. In the one above, it is White to play and mate in 4 moves. Can you find it?
In case if you cannot see the diagram clearly, White has a King on h2, Queen on h1 and Knight on f1. Black has a King on d4 and pawns on c3, d3, e3, e4, e5, d5, c5, c4. Enjoy. No Computer Please!
Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Very hard puzzle!
1.Ng3 c2
2.Qa1+ c3
3.Qa4+ c4
1.Nd2! forces mate in four.
If 1. … e2 or ed, then 2. Qg1+ e3 3. Qg4+ e4 4. Qg7 mate.
It works the same way on the other side of the board: if black plays 1. … c2 or cd, then 2. Qa1+ c3 3. Qa4+ c4 4. Qa7 mate.
1. Ng3 doesn’t work because of 1. … d2.
Richard, Ng3 works because:
1. Ng3 d2
2. Qxe4#
Oops… I take it back and claim the opposite… Richard, you’re right.
Great puzzle!
1.Nd2 is the only solution.
This puzzle was not so hard.
For me it was only a three malt problem.
In comparision to Sherlock Holmes 7 pipes problems, this is easy.
It looks like an old fourced pour me
four pure malt puzzle by Samuel Loyd.