I monitor about 35 sites a day. Mainly the blogs of the Knights Errant, a group who tries to improve according a regimen based on the book of Michael de la Maza “Rapid chess improvement” (400 points in 400 days)
I used to visit about 10 chess sites daily. Before Elista, the main source of chess news for me was ChessBase and some Russian chess sites.
After I discovered your blog a few months ago (from people in FICS), this is the only site I visit daily. I get much more useful and unbiased information here than all other chess sites combined.
Sometimes I visit http://chessobserver.com/rybkaforum/index.php (the Rybka forum) to see how this program is faring because clearly this is the best chess program (not only my opinion). Other web sites – once or twice a month. ChessBase – as far as possible.
Dear Susan, I daily visit several times your blog because it’s very interesting as far as it concerns chess problems ( I am the proud owner of your Father’s book ” CHESS ” – KOENNEMANN Edition ), discussions, opininons,and also for other arguments you talk about. I also visit the official website http://www.kramnik.com every day because I am one of his fans. Thank you fo all the time you spend for chess, the most beautiful sport in the world! I wish you all the best. Flavio Weis ( Black-Bishop )
Sorry to say it, but this last chess set is of extremely low quality. Those were sold in Bulgaria at half a price in my childhood (uh, a long time ago).
* ChessPro.ru – simply the best chess site, used to have online commentaries by Shipov; still has good onlines, numerous articles and good forum * kasparovchess.crestbook.com – Shipov’s forum * this blog * ChessNinja * ChessBase * TWIC * ChessGateway * e3e5.com – news, online coverage * http://www.64.ru – online coverage * official site of whatever tournament is going on
Hi Susan! I usually check this out and you will find this websites on My Favorites:
– Chessbase, The Week In Chess, Chess Cafe, ChessPro.ru, Some chess news articles in newspaper before by Nigel Short, Lubomir Kavelek and my newest favorite of course is now you blog site!!! I just recently discovered your blog during your recent Elista 2006 coverage and found a goldmine of info, analysis, articles etc…
Anyway more power and God bless! JP from the Philippines
Things I like about the first are (in order of utility): 1. Keeping up with the chess news; 2. Reading about Susan’s inspirational work with kids; 3. The daily puzzles; 4. The friendly tone.
Things I like about the second are: 1. Easy-to-use search engine for a vast database of games; 2. Daily puzzle.
I check in with this Blog daily. It’s easy on the eyes and eclectic. Although you must become a paid member, Chessworld has to be one of the most useful and entertaining sites on the web. Besides the opportunity to play as many correspondence (e-mail) games with 1 up to 20 day time limits, it offers a huge database, chatting and discussion forums, annotated GM games, the opportunity to annotate your own games or those of others or those of masters, and many other features as well. The playing area has a large playing board with buttons that allow to see how the tournaments in which you are participating are going, an analyzing board, and a replay board. One nice feature is the ability to log on to your opponents’ home pages and research all their past games, their rating statistics, and their opening predilections. A truely extrordinary site — check it out. cheers
I check in with this Blog daily. It’s easy on the eyes and eclectic. Although you must become a paid member, Chessworld has to be one of the most useful and entertaining sites on the web. Besides the opportunity to play as many correspondence (e-mail) games with 1 up to 20 day time limits, it offers a huge database, chatting and discussion forums, annotated GM games, the opportunity to annotate your own games or those of others or those of masters, and many other features as well. The playing area has a large playing board with buttons that allow to see how the tournaments in which you are participating are going, an analyzing board, and a replay board. One nice feature is the ability to log on to your opponents’ home pages and research all their past games, their rating statistics, and their opening predilections. A truely extrordinary site — check it out. cheers
Speaking of chess sites, I would like to make a point.
Most of the world’s chess players, visit sites, from different parts of the world, and they cross international boundaries to do just that. Well, at one point in time, and I don’t know if it’s still being done today, but some governments, have created surveillance on people who visit countries, that are not on the government’s ok list. I personally feel this is a travesty of justice in what I like to believe, should be a free and open world, just as I feel, that the international world wide web, should be a free body, of exchange and thought too. I applaud Susan, and what she’s doing, to open up doors of acceptance, right around the globe, and if it’s chess that helps to break down these walls and barriers, so be it. Chess as a game within itself, is in a much larger fight than the one’s entertained on the board, and thanks to sites like Susan’s, chess itself is winning converts everyday, to a wider exchange and degree. RandyRanson
im knew to all this really, i practically just started but dont really get the time to blog ofthen , so for now and sometimes i only vist susanpolgar.blogspot.com (the best in many ways) and from there if i get time left )most times no) then i just navigate through whenever it takes me, like a little sailship on the massive sea.
These are some of the sites I visit often or every day.
There are two reasons for visiting these sites, I like reading chess news and hear others opinion about this.
And I visit sites where I can learn more about chess!
I monitor about 35 sites a day.
Mainly the blogs of the Knights Errant, a group who tries to improve according a regimen based on the book of Michael de la Maza “Rapid chess improvement” (400 points in 400 days)
I used to visit about 10 chess sites daily. Before Elista, the main source of chess news for me was ChessBase and some Russian chess sites.
After I discovered your blog a few months ago (from people in FICS), this is the only site I visit daily. I get much more useful and unbiased information here than all other chess sites combined.
Sometimes I visit http://chessobserver.com/rybkaforum/index.php (the Rybka forum) to see how this program is faring because clearly this is the best chess program (not only my opinion). Other web sites – once or twice a month. ChessBase – as far as possible.
best site for chess preperation! [Ask Shirov]
Looks like one of Susan’s games is going to be the subject of Dennis’s next lesson.
Dear Susan,
I daily visit several times your blog because it’s very interesting as far as it concerns chess problems ( I am the proud owner of your Father’s book ” CHESS ” – KOENNEMANN Edition ), discussions, opininons,and also for other arguments you talk about.
I also visit the official website http://www.kramnik.com every day because I am one of his fans.
Thank you fo all the time you spend for chess, the most beautiful sport in the world!
I wish you all the best.
Flavio Weis ( Black-Bishop )
Susans Blog is the best chess site.
I get my daily dose of news,
problems and amusement here.
After finding it I’ll compleatly stopped visiting http://www.fide.com and
other equally dull sites.
Sorry to say it, but this last chess set is of extremely low quality. Those were sold in Bulgaria at half a price in my childhood (uh, a long time ago).
* ChessPro.ru – simply the best chess site, used to have online commentaries by Shipov; still has good onlines, numerous articles and good forum
* kasparovchess.crestbook.com – Shipov’s forum
* this blog
* ChessNinja
* ChessBase
* ChessGateway
* e3e5.com – news, online coverage
* http://www.64.ru – online coverage
* official site of whatever tournament is going on
Hi Susan! I usually check this out and you will find this websites on My Favorites:
– Chessbase, The Week In Chess, Chess Cafe, ChessPro.ru, Some chess news articles in newspaper before by Nigel Short, Lubomir Kavelek and my newest favorite of course is now you blog site!!! I just recently discovered your blog during your recent Elista 2006 coverage and found a goldmine of info, analysis, articles etc…
Anyway more power and God bless!
JP from the Philippines
-THis blog
I was sad to find that Susan’s Blog
only turns up around place 360 when
searching for “chess” on Google.
There are several ways to put you
higher up to near your proper place
on this secretly and strange working
ranking list.
I think that the best way is to
tell all your friends to put a
web-link to your blog whenever
and wherever they possibly can.
The worst way would of course be
to simply pay for a top-10 place.
We can all se Susan’s ranking here:
Let us make it better!
I visit two sites:
Things I like about the first are (in order of utility):
1. Keeping up with the chess news;
2. Reading about Susan’s inspirational work with kids;
3. The daily puzzles;
4. The friendly tone.
Things I like about the second are:
1. Easy-to-use search engine for a vast database of games;
2. Daily puzzle.
I used to visit only these:
and now after Elista I also like yours a lot.
I just visit a couple of sites regularly: this one (of course 🙂 ), chessbase, and chesscafe.com
I only visit 2 sites: Susan’s blog (all the info) and RedHotPawn.com (where I play my games). I used to go to Chessbase, but your blog is far better.
Robert Byrne stopped writing his NY Times chess column after 34 years.
I think he merits an article about him by you. Thank you Robert Byrne.
Also,Where your monthly chess shop and chess magazine ?
I sometimes challenge my Daily Chess problem at my very own little website http://blubbie.com/chess/dailyproblem/ to stay sharp.
I still have a astonishing low FICS Blitz rating of just over 1050 so I guess I need to do some more… 🙁
ps. Does this count as an answer, being my own website and all that? 🙂
I check in with this Blog daily. It’s easy on the eyes and eclectic. Although you must become a paid member, Chessworld has to be one of the most useful and entertaining sites on the web. Besides the opportunity to play as many correspondence (e-mail) games with 1 up to 20 day time limits, it offers a huge database, chatting and discussion forums, annotated GM games, the opportunity to annotate your own games or those of others or those of masters, and many other features as well. The playing area has a large playing board with buttons that allow to see how the tournaments in which you are participating are going, an analyzing board, and a replay board. One nice feature is the ability to log on to your opponents’ home pages and research all their past games, their rating statistics, and their opening predilections. A truely extrordinary site — check it out. cheers
I check in with this Blog daily. It’s easy on the eyes and eclectic. Although you must become a paid member, Chessworld has to be one of the most useful and entertaining sites on the web. Besides the opportunity to play as many correspondence (e-mail) games with 1 up to 20 day time limits, it offers a huge database, chatting and discussion forums, annotated GM games, the opportunity to annotate your own games or those of others or those of masters, and many other features as well. The playing area has a large playing board with buttons that allow to see how the tournaments in which you are participating are going, an analyzing board, and a replay board. One nice feature is the ability to log on to your opponents’ home pages and research all their past games, their rating statistics, and their opening predilections. A truely extrordinary site — check it out. cheers
I check two sites more than once daily.
And I check Mig’s blog three or four times a week.
Speaking of chess sites, I would like to make a point.
Most of the world’s chess players, visit sites, from different parts of the world, and they cross international boundaries to do just that. Well, at one point in time, and I don’t know if it’s still being done today, but some governments, have created surveillance on people who visit countries, that are not on the government’s ok list. I personally feel this is a travesty of justice in what I like to believe, should be a free and open world, just as I feel, that the international world wide web, should be a free body, of exchange and thought too.
I applaud Susan, and what she’s doing, to open up doors of acceptance, right around the globe, and if it’s chess that helps to break down these walls and barriers, so be it. Chess as a game within itself, is in a much larger fight than the one’s entertained on the board, and thanks to sites like Susan’s, chess itself is winning converts everyday, to a wider exchange and degree.
I prefer the womens chess beauty contest.
I religiously visit
http://www.chessbase.com (my home page)
every time I sit down at my computer.
im knew to all this really, i practically just started but dont really get the time to blog ofthen , so for now and sometimes i only vist susanpolgar.blogspot.com (the best in many ways) and from there if i get time left )most times no) then i just navigate through whenever it takes me, like a little sailship on the massive sea.
and u?
only.. because of my low connection 🙂