Tradewise Gibraltar Chess Festival 2011Monday 24 January – Thursday 3 February 2011PRESS RELEASE 1 FEBRUARY 2011 THE GOVERNOR OF GIBRALTAR VISITS TRADEWISE CHESSS FESTIVAL The Governor of Gibraltar Sir Adrian Johns visited the Tradewise Chess Festival at the start...
Targeting 2650

Negi hopes to kickstart target ELO 2650 with Bundesliga stintSmriti SinhaPosted: Tue Feb 01 2011, 04:05 hrs New Delhi Just a couple of months away from his class XII board examinations and after winning back-to-back titles, Parimarjan Negi is...
Safarli shares 3rd in Moscow Open

Eltaj Safarli shares 3rd-4th places in Moscow OpenTue 01 February 2011 13:13 GMT 7:13 Local Time The Moscow Open chess festival continues in Moscow. Azerbaijan’s Eltaj Safarli, who takes part in the main tournament of the festival, played a...
Armenian chess election

Chess Federation holds a sitting chaired by President Serzh Sargsyan01.02.2011 18:40 The Chess Federation of Armenia held a sitting today chaired by President of the Republic of Armenia, President of the Chess Federation Serzh Sargsyan. The results of the...
Pictures and report from Tata by Fabrice

Dear All, You can now find in (the first report in the 2nd day was: A report of the 12th round of the last Tata Steel Chess 2011. The are a lot of pictures in 2 galleries....
ChessCube Press Release

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ChessCube’s Online Tournament Breaks Records Cape Town, South Africa – 01 February 2011 ChessCube, the world leader in online chess tournaments, with over 20,000 tournaments per month, ran a successful $3,000 online series, which ended 30...
Written off as just a loser?

Dominic Lawson: A true champion won’t accept defeatThere was something in Murray’s demeanour. He moved like a loser. He winced with an impression of painTuesday, 1 February 2011 Like many other news junkies, I turned on the television on...
Gibraltar LIVE games
Live chess broadcast powered by ChessBomb and Chessdom Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Brain teaser: Checkmate in 11

White to move and checkmate in 11. No computer lines please. r1bk4/3nr1p1/3QB3/1p3P2/2p5/2q2N1p/pb5P/3RR2K w – – 0 1 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar