Can you name this strong chess player? Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Romanian Chess Championships 2011

Romanian Chess Championships 2011Cristina-Adela Foisor and Constantin Lupulescu are the champions The 2011 Romanian Chess Championships for Men and Women were held concurrently from 12th to 20th February in Sarata Monteoru.The Men Championship with 138 participants was played over...
Asian Youth Chess Championships

Asian Youth Chess Championships14th to 22nd May 2011 in Subic Freeport, Olongapo City, Philippines We are pleased to invite your federation to participate in the Asian Youth Championships which will be held from 14th to 22nd May 2011 in...
Lufei Ruan at North Shore Center

Lufei Ruan at North Shore CenterShe will conduct a talk on the recent Women’s World Chess Championship The North Shore Chess Center will be hosting a very special guest, WGM Ruan Lufei for a lecture series (this series previously...
More Aeroflot Chess Tactic

Black to move. How should Black proceed? Source: Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Find the right continuation

White to move. How should White proceed? Source: Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
10th Rochefort Chess Tournament

10th Rochefort Chess Tournament19-25th February 2011, GM Arutinian and GM Solodovnichenko are top seeded Over 100 players, of which more than 15 titled players, have signed in advance for the 10th Rochefort Open tournament, which is set to take...
2011 Lubbock Open Pictures

Here is the link to 87 pictures from the 2011 Lubbock Open and Scholastic Championship, as well as the UIL Chess Puzzle Solving Invitational: Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
16th Lienz Open

16th Lienz Open12th to 19th February in Lienz, Austria The 16th Lienz Open was organised by the Schachklub Volksbank Lienz from 12th to 19th February in Lienz, Austria. 217 players took part in the 9-round Swiss event, and among...
Social media

Get up to date chess news and information on Twitter: Get up to date chess news and information on Facebook: and click the “like” button. This is the preferred method. My first three Facebook accounts are completely...