I was thinking at first to sacrifice the queen, then i saw that the knight wants to go to g5, and i couldn’t deny him this right! So: 1. Qb6+ .. Ke8 2. Bf7+ .. Kxf7 otherwise Qd8+ and mate in less moves! 3. Ng5+ .. Ke8 otherwise Qd8+ 4. Rxe7+ .. Kxd7 5. Qe6+ .. Kd8 6. Nf7+ .. Kc7 7. Qc6+ 8. Nd8+ 9. Qc7+ 10. Rc6+ 11. Qxb6#
I think, the main variation is :
1.Qb6+ Ke8 2.Bf7+! Kxf7 3.Ng5+ Ke8
(3…Kg8 4.Qd8+ Nf8 5.Qxf8+ and 6.Rd8+)
4.Rxe7+ Kxe7 5.Qe6+ Kd8 6.Nf7+ Kc7 7.Qd6+ Kb7 8.Nd8+ Ka7 9.Qc7+ Ka6 10.Rd6+ Nb6 11.Qxb6 mate
let´s see:
1. Qb6+ Ke8
2. Bf7+ Kxf7 (2. … Kf8, 3. Qd8+, Kxf7, 4. Rxf7+, Kf6, 5. Rf5+, Kf7, 6. Ng5+)
3. Ng5+ Kg8
4. Qd8+ Nf8
5. Qxf8+ Kxf8
6. Rd8+ Re8
7. Rxe8#
how can black last 11 moves? if
3. … Kf8, then
4. Rd8+ Re8
5. Rxd8#. but if
3. … Ke8, then
4. Rxe7+ Kxe7
5. Qe6+ Kf8
6. Qf7#. and if
5. … Kd8, then
6. Nf7+ Kc7
7. Qd6+ Kb7
8. Nd8+ Ka7
9. Qc7+ Ka6
10. Rd6+ Nb6
11. Qxb6#. so it´s true! 11 moves indeed! nice one.
greets, jan
Way too hard for me.
Black’s best try is:
1 Qb6 Ke8
2 Bf7 Kf7
3 Ng5 Ke8
4 Re7 Ke7
5 Qe6 Kd8
6 Nf7 Kc7
7 Qd6 Kb7
8 Nd8 Ka7
9 Qc7 Ka6
10Rd6 Nb6
11Qb6 mate
I was thinking at first to sacrifice the queen, then i saw that the knight wants to go to g5, and i couldn’t deny him this right! So:
1. Qb6+ .. Ke8
2. Bf7+ .. Kxf7
otherwise Qd8+ and mate in less moves!
3. Ng5+ .. Ke8
otherwise Qd8+
4. Rxe7+ .. Kxd7
5. Qe6+ .. Kd8
6. Nf7+ .. Kc7
7. Qc6+
8. Nd8+
9. Qc7+
10. Rc6+
11. Qxb6#
But… what about 1. Qxd7+? Does White still win?
1.Qb6+ Ke8 2.Bf7+
I)2…Kf8 3.Qd8+ Kxf7 4.Rxe7 Kf6 5.Rf7++ Kxf7 6.Ng5 mate
II)2…Kxf7 3.Ng5+
a)3…Kg8 4.Qd8+ Nf8 5.Qxf8+ Kxf8 6.Rd8+ Re8 7.Rd or Rexe8 mate
b)3…Kf8 4.Qd8+ Re8 5.Qxe8 mate
c)3…Ke8 4.Rxe7+ Kxe7 5.Qe6+ Kd8 6.Nf7+ Kc7 7.Qd6+ Kb7 8.Nd8+ Ka7 9.Qc7+ Ka6 10.Rd6+ Nb6 11.Qxb6 mate
How to “KNOCKOUT” king black in 11 steps for this game?
1.Qb6+ Ke8
2.Bf7+ Kxf7
3.Ng5+ Ke8
4.Rexe7+ Kxe7
5.Qe6+ Kd8
6.Nf7+ Kc7
7.Qd6+ Kb7
8.Nd8+ Ka7
9.Qc7+ Ka6
10.Rd6+ Nb6
*** KO !!! Yeah… White WON !!!
– High Skill From MR KO (Malaysian)
Qb6+ then Bxd7+ and the rest of the moves will play themselves