White to move. What is the best continuation for White? r3kb1r/2pn1p1p/p3p1p1/1p1q2NQ/2pP4/2P4P/P4PP1/R1B1R1K1 w kq – 0 1 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
The wildest and craziest chess game so far in 2011

Check out the wildest and craziest chess game so far in 2011Posted: February 12, 2011 – 12:09amSusan Polgar The question of the week is which has been the most interesting game so far in 2011? This game below is...
Super Aeroflot LIVE!
Live chess broadcast powered by ChessBomb and Chessdom Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Endgame improvement

White to move. Is this a win, draw, or loss for White? How should White proceed? No computer analysis please. De Andres Gonalons (2084) -Umudova (2246)Cento Open, Italy, 2011 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Cento Open Round Seven

Cento Open Round SevenTop games drawn, GM Alberto David still in the lead The leader in the Cento Carnival Open, GM Alberto David of Luxembourg, held the always dangerous GM Elina Danielan to a draw with black pieces, and...
Doha FIDE Women Grand Prix

Doha FIDE Women Grand PrixFinal stage of the tournament series, 20th February to 6th March The FIDE Women Grand Prix series has its sixth and final tournament set to take place from 20th February to 6th March in Doha,...
2011 Susan Polgar National Open for Girls and Boys

2011 Susan Polgar National Open for Boys and Girls http://www.polgarevents.com Official Qualifier for the 2011 Susan Polgar Girls’ Invitational! Winners of all the girls’ sections will automatically qualify for the 2011 SPGI, the most prestigious all-girls event in the...
IHSA State Chess Tourney Comes To Peoria

Artwork by Mike Magnan IHSA State Chess Tourney Comes To Peoria PEORIA – Students from across the state are competing in Peoria this weekend, but it’s not your typical state championship on the line. The Civic Center is hosting...
Checkmate in 4

White to move and checkmate in 4. 2r1rk2/5pR1/2q2P1p/2n5/pp1p3B/3B3p/1P1Q2b1/1K6 w – – 0 1 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar