(L-R) Alex from Austin Area Homeschoolers Association, Sean from Westwood High School, Andrew from Westwood High School, Sanjna from Anderson High School and Serena from Anderson High School A USCF-rated Chess tournament organized by High School Students at Anderson...
Candid interview with Topalov

Veselin Topalov Interviewby Marina Makarycheva, published on 8th April in Russian newspaper GazetaPublished by Chessdom.com NTV’s chess editor Marina Makarycheva performed an extensive interview with world’s highest rated player and world championship challenger Veselin Topalov. Ms. Makarycheva asked about...
Biggest blocks of game players are female

Female Demographic is PC Gaming’s Largest, Says Nielsen ReportBy Earnest Cavalli April 08, 2009 2:44:11 PM Women have recently been making inroads into the traditionally male-dominated world of videogames, but would you believe that the fairer sex makes up...
Ban on Gopal may be reversed

AICF may reconsider ban on GM Gopal9 Apr 2009, 0037 hrs IST, TNN CHENNAI: The All India Chess Federation (AICF) has expressed its willingness to reconsider its ban on Grandmaster GN Gopal. Talking to TOI on Wednesday, AICF secretary...
2009 Lubbock Open Championship

TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY Susan Polgar Institute for Chess Excellence (SPICE) and the Susan Polgar Foundation proudly present2009 Lubbock Open Chess Championship Saturday, April 18, 2009A 4 Round Swiss System Tournament (Game/30) Event Site: Monterey High School (50th and Indiana...
Lubbock Open Scholastic Championship

TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY Susan Polgar Institute for Chess Excellence (SPICE) and the Susan Polgar Foundation present 2nd Annual Lubbock Open Scholastic Chess Championship Saturday, April 18, 2009A 4 Round Swiss System Tournament (Game/30) Event Site: Monterey High School, Lubbock,...
Game analysis

Robert Hess (2483) – Gerhely Antal (2493) SPICE Spring Lubbock (6), 19.03.2009 [B11] 1.e4 c6 2.Nc3 d5 3.Nf3 This line was a favorite of Bobby Fischer’s. It is certainly a sound choice and it avoids the well analyzed main...
Wednesday morning chess tactic

White to move. Can you find the only winning plan for White? r3rk2/1p5Q/6pR/4pp2/1n1q1n2/1Pp3N1/2P5/1K5R w – – 0 1 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Chess Discussion Forum

In the past months, we have added some new features. I tested the new technology and it is working great! There are some other incredible features and you can even play against your friends. There are also very cool...
Ivanisevic with big lead at Serbian Championship

Serbia Chess Championship – Round 5Report by Chessdom.com Ivan Ivanisevic with a full point advantage after five rounds Serbia’s defending champion Ivan Ivanisevic singled out on the top after five rounds of the 2009 National Chess Championship have been...