In pop culture age, chess still has appealColts Neck News Transcript – Colts Neck, NJ, USA Chess school offers instruction, tournaments Playing video games and Wii are the current recreational rages, but the centuries-old game of chess still has...
That Game of Chess

Tue., Apr. 7, 2009, 2:24pm PT That Game of ChessBy ANDREW BARKER A Madan Prem Entertainment presentation, in association with Phil Katz Prods., in co-production with Landoo Chun Chun Intl. Produced by Bonnie Klein, Amresh Sinha. Executive producer, Aradhana...
Solve in 30 seconds

White to move. How should White proceed? Can you find the correct solution in less than 30 seconds? 7r/3PR1bk/2pQ4/5p1p/4b1pP/p1P5/q5PB/1r1R3K w – – 0 1 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
10th ASEAN + Age-Group Chess Championships

10th ASEAN + Age-Group Chess Championships Dear Colleagues, 10th ASEAN + AGE-GROUP CHESS CHAMPIONSHIPSHue, Vietnam – 6th to 15th June 2009 Following on the major success of the World Youth Championships held last year in Vietnam, the ASEAN Championships...
M-Tel press information

Dear colleagues, I would like to inform you about the options for accomodation during this year’s edition of the international super chess tournament M-Tel Masters in Sofia. The organizers of the tournament have arranged accomodation at special preferential prices...
Test your chess ability

White to move. How should White proceed? Source: Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar

Robert Hess wins the 2009 SPICE Spring Grandmaster InvitationalTuesday, 07 April 2009 04:45Source: He came. He played. He conquered. That was what seventeen-year-old international master Robert Hess from New York did over Spring Break at the 2009 SPICE...
Yury Shulman at SPICE booth

My friend reigning US Champion Yury Shulman visiting the Texas Tech University SPICE booth during the Supernationals. Yury will be playing a big match against GM Akobian (co-winner of the 2008 SPICE Cup) on April 22-25, 2009. Good luck...
Georgia has new major sponsor

SOCAR Georgia sponsors Georgian Chess Federation07.04.09 12:09Georgia, Tbilisi, April 7 /Trend News, N.Kirtskhalia/ The Azerbaijani SOCAR Georgia sponsors the Georgian Chess Federation. The agreement was signed between the SOCAR Georgia General Director Mahir Mammadov and Chess Federation President Gia...
Battle of GMs

Battle of GMs, Reg’l Elimination winners bared; Dapitan to host GMs’ matches again next yearSource: THE Battle of GMs (Chess Grand Masters), which culminated Tuesday, March 31, retained GM Wesley So as the champion, and bagging home the...