Photo credit: Betsy Dynako IM Sam Shankland Wins Final 2009 U.S. Chess Championship Spot “Meet Me in St. Louis,” says a smiling IM Sam Shankland, 17, from the San Francisco suburb of Orinda, because that’s where one of the...
The growth of Chessville

One of the chess websites which I visit often is Chessville offers quite a number of free chess columns from famous authors such as GM Nigel Davies, GM Raymond Keene, IM Igor Khmelnistky, ICCF-IM Keith Hayward, NM Brian...
Eastern Ontario Chess 2009 Spring Open

Eleven year-old boy wins chess tournamentWin advances Nepean native into new divisionApril 06, 2009BY Glen Tremblay / This Week intern The Ottawa Recreation Association Centre hosted the Eastern Ontario Chess Association’s 2009 Spring Open from March 20 to 22...
Can you find the best line in less than 2 minutes?

White to move. Can you find the most accurate continuation for White? No computer please. 7r/2Bnkp2/R2Np3/2p1P3/5P1p/1p1B4/6rP/2n4K w – – 0 1 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Arnold J. Eikrem Memorial Tournament

Arnold J. Eikrem Memorial TournamentApril 4th – 12th Oslo, Norway COVERAGE on ICC9 Rounds – Round RobinGames start at 10:00am ICC time Here are the participants: GM Emanuel Berg SWE 2610GM Bartlomiej Macieja POL 2601GM Jon Ludvig Hammer NOR...
Kalmykia bound

Russia-bound to make their movesMiki PerkinsApril 7, 2009 ON THE plains of the Russian republic of Kalmykia, which straddles the vast steppe region of south-eastern Europe, chess is everything. The head of this tiny republic is also the president...
Chess Cafe Laurierboom

Introducing: Amsterdam Chess Cafe Laurierboom (video)6 April 2009, 15.30 CET By Peter Doggers If your visiting Amsterdam in the near future, don’t forget to drop by at Laurierstraat 76, in the Jordaan area, close to the Anne Frank House....
Images from the Supernationals

L: Blitzen aka Nathaniel Yee at the SupernationalsR: A new member of Kasparov’s (or KFC) entourage. He was playing classical music on a violinto entertain the crowd while waiting in line to see Gary (or buy a 3-piece dinner...
Can you solve this in 60 seconds?

Black to move. What is the best continuation for Black? Source: Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar