(L-R) Alex from Austin Area Homeschoolers Association, Sean from Westwood High School, Andrew from Westwood High School, Sanjna from Anderson High School and Serena from Anderson High School
A USCF-rated Chess tournament organized by High School Students at Anderson High School on April 18, 2009.
The tournament is organized by 5 High School students who have been playing in Chess tournaments for several years and have high USCF ratings. While the school year is very hectic for them, they are required to do volunteer work. That is the reason they chose to organize this tournament. Like every good chess move, they see multi-purpose benefits of having this tournament.
They get Volunteer hours while planning and executing this tournament.
They get the pleasure of doing all the behind the scene preparation that organizers do.
They are learning how to use the software that is used in pairing a tournament.
They are working on becoming Club TD’s, so that they can supervise the tournament.
Getting the location and working out the details for the venue was challenging.
Concessions have been arranged so the tournament day is comfortable and enjoyable for all.
Creating this website has been a great learning experience.
Learning Leadership skills..
The most important benefit of having this tournament … creating another opportunity for all the participants to play in a rated Chess tournament, here in Austin! This is an affordable tournament (entry fee is only $10) and you do not need to travel out of town.
It is a known fact that the most effective way of improving your chess rating is by playing in as many tournaments as possible. We hope to bring you more tournaments in the near future.
Please let your friends and family know about this tournament and we hope you can help us teenagers in giving back to our Chess Community.
Thank you!
Official website: http://chess-4-success.sports.officelive.com/default.aspx
Way to go Sanjna and Serena! You go girls!