Bolivian Authority Extols Cuba’s High Chess Level CAMAGÜEY, Cuba, April 20 (acn) Bolivia’s Chess Federation president Alfonso Ferrufino Hurtado, praised the high level of chess players in Cuba, and noted he hopes the island contributes to the development of...
Scholastic chess tactic

White to move. What’s the best plan for White? (White is a young scholastic player) 2r3k1/pp2pr1p/3pbp1Q/6pP/2P1P3/qP1B2P1/P2R1P2/3R2K1 w – – 0 26 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Grischuk leads Nalchik at 1st rest day

Standings after 5 rounds: 1. Grischuk, Alexander g RUS 2748 * . ½ ½ . . 1 . . ½ . . 1 . 3½ 2. Karjakin, Sergey g UKR 2721 . * ½ 1 . . ½ ....
An amazing checkmate in 2

By Lubomir Kavalek Special to The Washington Post Monday, April 20, 2009 Walther von Holzhausen (1876-1935), a German chess composer and player, wrote extensively on the theory of chess problems. In one of his compositions (White: Kg2,Qf1,Rd8,Bh2,P:a4; Black: Kb7,...
US Champion’s chess tactic

Black to move. How should Black proceed? Sourc: Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Texas decisively defeated Oklahoma

Final Score: Texas wins 32.5 – 21.5 7th Annual Red River Shootout Oklahoma – Texas 2009 Team Chess Match Treasure Valley Casino (exit #55, I-35) – Davis, OK Event Gawdfather: Jim Hollingsworth, Ft Worth — Event # 2009 04...
Onischuk wins again

Mexican Open (report by Grandmaster Alexander Onischuk won the Mexican Open (LV Campeonato Nacional Abierto de Ajedrez). Final standings: 1-3. GMs Onischuk (USA, 2684), Cordova (PER, 2543) and Leon Hoyos (MEX, 2527) – 7½ out of 94-10. GM...
US G/60 and G/30 National Chess Championships

US G/60 and G/30 National Chess Championships Update The US G/60 and US G/30 National Chess Championships are scheduled for August 22 and 23, 2009 at the Holiday Inn North Shore Hotel in Skokie, IL . Texas Tech University...
Exellent tournament: 3rd Annual Okoboji Open

The 3rd Annual Okoboji Open represents the first major chess tournament to be held in northwest Iowa. It will be held from April 24-26, 2009, at Arrowwood Resort and Conference Center in Okoboji, Iowa. The tournament is a World...