White to move. Which side is better? What should White do? r6k/2p4p/2p2rpq/p3p3/2B1P3/1QB2P1n/6P1/1R5K w – – 0 1
Chess Origami

Special thanks to Ira Fine for sharing with us the following link for a Origami Chess Board: http://www.flickr.com/photos/14908184@N04/page2/ It is a 4×4 chess board folded from one square sheet of paper. Red on one side and white on the...
Azerbaijan vs. the World

President Cup – Match Azerbaijan vs WorldPublished by Chessdom.com Anand, Kramnik, Shirov and Karjakin to represent the World The central event during the President Cup, scheduled to take place on 7-9 May in Baku, will be a chess match...
Chess for the rest of your life

Inspiring the YoungBy Lubomir KavalekSpecial to The Washington Post Garry Kasparov, one of the greatest chess legends, turned 46 today. Recently, he reflected on his past and on the game he loves: “For most of my life, my life...
Super Mario Chess

Super Mario Chess coming soon, defies traditional gender rolesby Doug Aamoth on April 13, 2009 Apparently Super Mario Chess Collector’s Edition is the first Nintendo-authorized chess set in existence. It’ll be shipping sometime this month and you can pre-order...
Greetings from Indiana!

Greetings from the campus of Manchester College in Indiana! Welcome to Manchester College! Welcome to Manchester College, the college that transforms lives! We invite you to explore our web site and to visit our campus – you’ll sense the...
30 second chess tactic

Black to move. How should Black proceed? Source: ChessToday.net Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Quality vs. Excitement

Beauty in Chess V: Planet Nisipeanu13 April 2009, 9.52 CET By Michael SchwerteckPublished by Chessvibes.com In his fifth column about beauty in chess, Michael Schwerteck was inspired by the attractive style of Romanian GM Liviu-Dieter Nisipeanu. In an interview...
Magnificent Chess in Jamaica

International Masters Clash at UWI Chess Society / Magnificent Chess TournamentThursday, 09 April 2009 16:45by Allan Herbert The UWI Chess Society in collaboration with the Magnificent Chess Foundation struck gold this past March, in successfully hosting the strongest and...
Ravana Challenge in Sri Lanka

$15,000 Ravana Challenge International Slated September in Sri Lanka The Blue & Gold Chess Club in collaboration with the Excalibur Consultants has the honor of inviting all Chess players to participate in the inaugural “The Ravana Challenge International Chess...