Kamsky drew Kramnik or I should say Kramnik HELD ON for a draw.
Onischuk drew Svidler (Svidler forced a draw)
Kaidanov comfortably drew Bareev

Nakamura defeated super GM Grischuk in a wild game that could have gone either way which gave USA a 2.5-1.5 win over Russia and basically eliminated Russia from Gold medal contention.

The Armenian team should really take the US team out to dinner because they defeated the Czech 3-1 and practically secured the Gold with Russia’s loss. This further proves that the Armenian team work, camraderie and national pride plays a big role in their incredible success in the Olympiad.

The US women’s team is leading Slovenia 1.5-.5 at the moment with Zatonskih in a pawn up Rook and Pawn endgame.

The Russian women defeated Georgia 2-1 while Ukraine defeated Bulgaria 2.5-1.5 to extend the lead over Russia to 1 full point with 2 rounds to go.
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Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar