Gata Kamsky was once one of the top 3 best players in the world whose last names all start with a K (Kasparov, Karpov and Kamsky). He even challenged Karpov for the World Championship crown, crushing Mr. Solid Kramnik on the way by the score of 3 wins and 3 draws!

He suddenly retired to pursue his studies. It was a big loss to the chess world, especially the United States. Gata started to play chess again last year. Even though he is not fully back yet, he still shows his tenacity and talent by reaching the top 10 in the 2005 World Cup without much preparation and still full of rust.

He has been a friend of my sisters and I for a long time. We have all gone back a long way. He recently played a few monthly Wednesday Night Blitz Events at the Polgar Chess Center. He even gave a lecture and a simul to a group of enthusiastic fans.

As much as I like Magnus, I have to root for my dear old friend Gata Kamsky! Posted by Picasa

Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar