What an exciting day for chess fans!
There was not much going on with a 24 move draw between Svidler and Gelfand. They were the first to finish today.
Aronian was shuffling his pieces trying to find a way to break through the hedgehog structure of Leko. When it seemed that everything was quiet, Aronian played e5 and Leko inexplicably sacrificed materials and went down in flame. 28…Bc7 would probably be fine. Nice pick up for Aronian.
The two longest games of the day were filled with ups and downs. Everyone was counting on victories by Anand and Kramnik. Grischuk had virtually no time left on his clock with a very difficult and inferior position. He managed to save the game and earned a tough 1/2 point. The same with Morozevich. Everyone was waiting to see how many more moves before he resigns. But thanks to a few inaccuracies by Anand, he escaped.
The standings after 4 rounds:
1-2 Anand, Kramnik 2.5
3-6 Grischuk, Gelfand, Morozevich and Aronian 2.0
7-8 Leko and Svidler 1.5
I posted my commentary on http://www.chessdiscussion.com/. There are also many other discussions about various issues. If you have not seen it, check it out. It’s FREE and it takes only about 30 seconds to register a handle. I will be back tomorrow at the same time for more LIVE commentary.
Thanks for the commentary and the chessdiscussion forum is great. Kudos to you and the team.
Susan says – I will be back tomorrow at the same time for more LIVE commentary.
………….. Give us a break and take one for you too!!!
No games tomorrow!!!!
What are the principles of moderation and who are the moderators of http://www.chessdiscussion.com?
“Give us a break”
You are not forced to follow the games here, are you?
Perhaps we should write an open letter to FIDE that it should stop the whole tournament for some days because the observers are getting tired. 😀
Please don’t stop the live commentary, Susan, it is really nice to have it. Big thanks (like so often!).
Jochen – I just wanted Susan to know that tomorrow is off! Please understand humor in it!