Kramnik – Grischuk after 37…Nc2
GM Kramnik (2769) – GM Grischuk (2726) [E06]
1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.g3 d5 4.Bg2 Be7 5.Nf3 0-0 6.0-0 dxc4 7.Qc2 a6 8.Qxc4 b5 9.Qc2 Bb7 10.Bd2 Ra7 11.a3 Nbd7 12.Ba5 Qa8 13.Qxc7 Rc8 14.Qf4 Rc2 15.Nbd2 Rxb2 16.Rfc1 Nd5 17.Qe4 b4 18.Qd3 bxa3 19.Nc4 Bc6 20.Nxa3 Bb5 21.Nc4 Bb4 22.Qd1 Bxc4 23.Rxc4 Bxa5 24.Rxa5 Qb8 25.Nd2 N5b6 26.Rc1 g6 27.Ne4 Rb5 28.Ra2 a5 29.Nc5 Qd6 30.Nb7 Qb8 31.Qd3 Rh5 32.Nc5 Nd5 33.Qc4 N5b6 34.Qc3 Nd5 35.Qa1 Nxc5 36.Rxc5 Nb4 37.Raxa5 Nc2 +- 38.Rxa7 Nxa1 39.Ra8 Qxa8 40.Bxa8 Rxc5 41.dxc5 Kf8 (The best shot for Kramnik here may be 42.c6 Ke7 43.c7 Kd7 44.Bc6+ Kxc7 45.Ba4)
42.c6 Ke7 43.c7 Kd7 44.Bc6+ Kxc7 45.Ba4 Kb6 46.Kg2 Kc5 47.Kf3 (An important move now is 47…Kd4 to block the other King out. Grischuk has drawing chances but it is still a lot of work.)
47…Kb4 48.Be8 f6 49.Bf7 Nb3 (Tough but he MAY survive. That is quite a feat against Kramnik.)
50.e3 Nc5 51.h4 (This is now a draw. Black should be able to draw this.)
51…Kc3 52.Bg8 h6 (Kramnik has about 12 min and Grischuk about 8.5 min.)
53.Bf7 g5 = (I do not see any win for Kramnik here. Grischuk did well in defending a tough position with only minutes left on his clock before the end of the first time control.)
54.Kg4 Ne4 55.hxg5 hxg5 56.Bxe6 Nxf2+ 57.Kf5 Kd3 58.Kxf6 Ne4+ 59.Kg6 Nxg3 60.Kxg5 Kxe3 1/2 (A well earned draw for Grischuk!)
What do you think of c6 Ke7 c7 Kd7 Lc6+ Kxc7 La4?
Is it enough to win already?
I think it’s poor sportsmanship from Kram playing on a completely equal end-game (4 pawns and one piece) trying to win Grisch on time.
I’ll eat my hat if Grisciuk draws this one.
“completely equal end-game”back to chess school for you my friend
kramnik 1/0 grisch
I wish both Alexanders luck to draw their games.
I do not think Grischuk’s drawing chances are too bad (*) if he can manage to attack white’s pawns as soon as white threats to attack black ones. Kd4 (and eventually Kc3-d2) looks like the best defense. First I thought about Kb4 (instead Susan’s proposal Kd4) 2. Bd1 Kc3 but white it not forced to play Bd1 but can try to enter via e8 (allowing the knight to escape but weaken the black pawn structure) and I am not quite sure if that will have a good end for black.
While posting this, Grischuk decided to play Kb4.
(*) I hope it anyway.
I did have second thoughts about my post, but this version of blogger doesn’t unfortunately allow deletion of anonymously made posts. Sigh. I’d settle for delete only, not edit.
Kramnick should have played Qc3 instead of Rxa7 then Ra8.He would have an end game with one pawn ahead with better winning chances.
I am not using any external help (chess software) when watching these games and reading wonderful commentary. Can you say the same? I wonder who is improving more!?
53. g4 then g5 follow by Bg8 wins a pawn and open up for queen promotion.
Can black be better now? With a knight against bishop and pawns on the same side of the board, as one of the chess rule says.
No, the position is equal.
Best wishes,
Susan Polgar
susan any update on reshevsky
“I think it’s poor sportsmanship from Kram playing on a completely equal end-game (4 pawns and one piece) trying to win Grisch on time.”