More Gligoric chess tactic Chess tactic, Gligoric, Puzzle Solving Black to move. How should black proceed? Source: Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
1. … Rxd6! 2. Qxd6 (2. exd6 Qe1#) Rd8 wins because 3. Qxe7 allows Rd1#
1…R:d6 2 Q:d6 Rd8 !!
1.Rxd6 Qxd6 2.Rd8
1…exd6 2.Qe1+
This one’s fairly obvious:
1… Rxd6!
if 2. exd6 Qe1#
if 2. Qxd6 Rd8
3. Qxe7 Rd1#
or the queen just moves aside and Rd1#
1. Rxd6
If 1…exd6, then 2. Qe1+ Qd1 3. Qxd1#
If 1. Qxd6, then 2. Rd8 winning queen
(if 2. Qxe7, then 3. Rd1#)
Took me 5 seconds to spot a (puzzle like) Q# threat on e1, another 5 second to see the R# threat on d1, and then it’s obvious:
1. … Rxd6!
2. Qxd6 (exd6 Qe1#) Rd8!
3. Qxd8 (Qxe7 Rd1#) Qxd8
4. b3 (otherwise Qd1#) Bc6!
Black is comfortably up with Q for R. Black bishop is also very strong.
Enforced ontinuation (to get some piece loose at all) seems to be a pawn sack from white:
5. Be2 (Rg1? Qd4!) Bxg2
6. Rg1 Be4 etc.
1……RxN ! wins
1. … Rxd6 2. Qxd6 (2. exd6 Qe1+) 2. .. Rd8 3. Qxe7 Rd1#