After the passing of the legendary Grandmaster Svetozar Gligoric the chess club from Pancevo inherited his rich personal library and memorabilia. Chess club Svetozar Gligoric – Gliga is meeting in its 250sqm premises in the centre of Pancevo, 20km...
Gligoric Memorial

The 9-round rapid chess tournament in memory of Svetozar Gligoric was held on 26th October in Pancevo, Serbia. The tournament was organized by the chess club “Svetozar Gligorić – Gliga”, one of the inheritors of legendary Grandmaster. 82 players...
Svetozar Gligorić Cup

Serbian Chess Federation is holding the national team cup tournament, named after the legendary Svetozar Gligorić, on 20-26th June in Banja Koviljaca, near Loznica. Fifteen teams compete in the 7-round Swiss tournament. The defending champion is Novosadski ŠK DDOR....
FIDE establishes Svetozar Gligoric award for fair-play

FIDE establishes Svetozar Gligoric award for fair-play The FIDE General Assembly has accepted the proposal of the Serbian Chess Federation to establish the award for fair-play which would be named after the legendary Grandmaster Svetozar Gligoric, who recently passed...
Gligoric’s name will live on

Gligoric’s name will live on9:00am Thursday 23rd August 2012 in Leisure For those of us beginning to study chess in the 1970s, Yugoslavian Svetozar Gligoric, who died last week at the age of 89, was one of a group...
Gligoric is burried in Belgrade

Serb chess grandmaster Svetozar Gligoric dies at 89, is buried in BelgradeBy Associated Press, Updated: Saturday, August 18, 6:21 AMAP BELGRADE, Serbia — Svetozar Gligoric, a legendary Serbian and Yugoslav chess grandmaster who was the national champion 12 times...
Svetozar Gligoric – and appreciation by Boris Kutin

Svetozar Gligoric – and appreciation by Boris Kutin The greatest Serbian (Yugoslav) chess player ever, GM Svetozar Gligoric was born on 2nd February 1923 in Belgrade. In 1938 at the age of fifteen, he won the championship of Belgrade...
More Gligoric chess tactic

Black to move. How should black proceed? Source: Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Ljubojevic about Svetozar Gligoric

The death of our Gliga shook me deeply. Gliga was magnificent chess personality and one of my role models. His sensibility for the art, culture and chess, along with the results that he achieved, made our country a chess...
Gligoric tactic

Black to move. How should black proceed? Source: Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar