More EICC chess tactic Chess tactic, Puzzle Solving White to move. How should white proceed? Source: Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
1. Ba4 Bb1 2. Be8#
1. Bxa4 wins a piece. If 1… Bb1 2.Be8#
The knight is easy picking.
1.Bxa4 Rc8
(1…Bxb1 2.Be8#)
2.Rb7 Rd8
3.Bd7 Kf7
4.Bb5+ Kg8
5.Bxd3 Rxd3
6.a4 Ra3
7.a5 Ra2
The extra bishop and passed pawn ensure White’s victory
1. Bxa4
Actually threats Be8#, and should therefore be up with a piece.
I think the basic idea is
1. Rb4 gaining a tempo by attacking black’s N, followed by
Bb3 and threats on black’s king.
BxN threatening mate
BxN threatening mate
BxN wins a piece.
Black must then prevent Be8#.
1Bxa4 threatens 2Be8# and wins a piece. Black can not take the rook.
1. Bxa4 – the threat is 2. Be8# so Black cannot take the time to win the exchange by capturing White’s Rook.
It’s a free knight. Bxa4 threatening mate in one.
1. Bxa4 Bxb1??
2. Be8+#
So, black must not take the Rook, and do something else (Rc8, h6, h5, …) thus white winning with a bishop ahead.
1 B:a4 B:b1; 2 Be8#
It isn’t chess, it’s snooker as aits best!
1.Bxa4 Bxb1??
Else, White’s material edge is too important and White wins technically.
parece simple 1.Bxa4 Bxb1 (si intenta algo diferente se salva la torre)2.Be8++
1.Bxa4 Bxb1 2.Be8++ (si intenta otra jugada se salva la torre)
1.Bxa4 Bxb1 2.Be8++ (si intenta otra jugada se salva la torre)