Kuzubov Maintains MP Reykjavik Open Lead After Draw Against McShane
Ukraniain GM Yuiy Kuzubov maintained his lead with 6 points at the MP Reykjavik Open after a draw against GM Luke McShane in the 7th round. McShane leads a field of 10 GMs with 5-1/2 points: Simon Williams, Jon Ludvig Hammer (who leads the tournament´s Nordic Open section), Halkias Stelios, Vladimir Baklan, Ivan Sokolov, Milton Kamil, Ilya Nyzhnyk, Boris Chatalbashev and Alexandr Fier.
Icelandic GM Stefansson and FM Sigfusson lead the locals with 5 points, with Sigfusson having won his last three games. Stefansson´s victory at last year´s tournament also followed a strong finish. The eighth round, played today at 16.30 in City Hall, features Kuzubov v. Chatalbasev, Miton v. McShane, Sokolov v. Fier, Williams v. Hammer, Baklan v. Halkias, Miroshnichenko v. Nyzhnik, Sigfusson v. Adly and Sune Berg Hansen v. Stefansson.
Iceland Beats the Rest-of-the-World in the 1st Annual Chess Football Game..
On Sunday evening, after the sixth round, the Icelandic players and hosts challenged the visiting players to a football match, played at an indoor stadium. The locals edged out victory in a bruising game 6-4. The Rest-of-the-World team featured mostly Norwegian and German players, including GM Jon Ludvig Hammer, FM Nicolai Getz and Dennis Calder. A rematch (revenge?) will be scheduled at next year´s tournament.
..and in the 3rd Annual Chess Pub Quiz
The locals also edged out the visitors in third annual Reykjavik Open Chess Pub Quiz, hosted by Icelandic FM Sigurbjörn Björnsson Saturday evening. IM Björn Thorfinsson and Stefan Bergsson, both directors of the Reykjavik Chess Academy, handsomely beat “stronger players” with 22 points (out of 30) such as the GM duo of Ivan Sokolov and Throstur Thorhalsson team (advised by Luxembourg WIM Fiona Antoni-Steil).
For more information, please us the following links:
Report by Gunnar Björnsson
He leads only becouse McShane didn’t finish him of in round 7.
He blundered in endgame and let him off the hook.McShane,McShane…