This picture was taken at the Karpov School of Chess last year
Anatoly Karpov International School of Chess
106 South Main, Lindsborg, Kansas 67456 – 785-227-2224
Release 4/24/06
Contact: Wes Fisk 785-227-4121 or Marck Cobb 620-654-3986
If all goes according to plan, the Karpov International School of Chess will have a new director by early this fall. Mikhail Korenman, former director of the school, recently moved to Chicago. Marck Cobb, President of the International Chess Institute of the Midwest (ICIM), appointed board member Steve Kinzel, McPherson, to head a search committee to find a new director for the famed chess school. Board members Dr. Paul Formo and Betty Nelson will also serve on the search committee. “I think it’s important to get anew director on board as soon as possible,” said Cobb. “I’m hopeful that we can hire this person by earlythis fall.”
The Karpov School has a full schedule of summer activities planned. On Memorial Day Weekend, about 100 top players from throughout the Midwest will gather in Lindsborg to compete in the Midwest Amateur Chess Championships. This is an official U.S. Chess Federation event that will determine the class champions for the Midwest Region. The chess school, in cooperation with the Lindsborg Arts Council, will offer introductory chess classes June 12 through June 15. Students can enroll through the Arts Council.
About 60 students from the Assaria and the South Saline area will attend an Introduction to Chess class that will be given July 10 through July 14. Students from throughout the U.S. will gather in Lindsborg on July 16 – 21, for the fifth annual Karpov chess camp. Grandmaster Yury Shulman, who considers Lindsborg as his second home, will be the lead instructor. More information about the camp can be obtained from the new Karpov Chess School Internet site:
The Chess for Peace Festival, which had been scheduled for June has been moved to sometime in August. Mikhail Korenman submitted a bid to the world chess federation (FIDE) in March to bring the World Youth Championships to Lindsborg. Korenman felt the championships could be a part of the Chess for Peace Festival. When he submitted the bid through the U.S. Chess Federation (USCF), only Greece and Tunis had submitted letters of interest. Greece had hosted the event several times, and there is thought to be little interest in holding the event in Tunis.
The U.S. Chess Federation is actively lobbying to bring the World Youth Championships to Lindsborg; however, China decided at the last minute to submit their bid for the championships. FIDE is expected to announce their decision later this week. “If we don’t get the World Youth Championships, we will have so see what we can work out,” said Korenman.
Is not clear when this statement was made:
“The U.S. Chess Federation is actively lobbying to bring the World Youth Championships to Lindsborg; however, China decided at the last minute to submit their bid for the championships. FIDE is expected to announce their decision later this week. “
On FIDE web site under the FIDE Calendar is listed:
2007 WYCC: Antalya, Turkey
2008 WYCC: Vietnam (The event will be organized by the ASEAN Federation in Vietnam)
For 2006 was announce:
“After due consideration of the bids for the World Youth Championships 2006, the Board approved the application from the Georgian Chess Federation. Backed by its Prime Minister, the event shall be held from 20 to 31 October in Batumi. “
Instead of American and Russian teams playing they should have the Kasparov foundation kids play the Karpov foundation kids. Then there will be controversy later when the match is cancelled for going too long and Kasparov starts to yell a lot. Oh, wait, that was 1984.
Good luck Lindsborg!