When I conduct a chess class, one of the things that I always stress is double and triple check everything before you move. In the position above, Black is a 2661 (FIDE) rated player and one of the most talented young players in the world.

Here, Black decided to play 32…c3?? Why? He thought that if 33.Rxc3, he can then play 33…Bh3 and if White plays 34.Rxd8 then Rb1 checkmate! In this case, he wins and if White does not take the pawn with 33.Rxc3 then he will play Rc4 next move to support his pawn.

What he forgot is 34…Rb1 is NOT a checkmate because White can defend with 35.Rd1. Ooops! Not only he lost a pawn, the Bishop on c8 is pinned and cannot be protected. Game, set, match!

It happened to the best in the world! So make sure to double check EVERYTHING!
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Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar