Black’s winning tactic here is to threaten mate by attacking the b1 rook by Rb3 simultaneously attacking the queen. Black will either trade the rook for the queen or go a full rook up.
1. …Rb3 2.Rxb3 Qxd2 and black has the advantage.
1. …Rb3 2.Qc1/d1/e1 Rxb1 3.Qxb1 Qxf5 and black is a rook up and should win.
Of course the queen is safe due to the back rank mate threat.
1. …Rb3 2.Qxa5? Rxb1+ 3.Qe1 Rxe1+ 4.Rf1 Rxf1#
In Memoriam: I met Svetozar Gligoric many years ago and found him to be a gentle man with a gentle soul and an easy smile. He will be sorely missed.
Certainly seen this one somewhere before, perhaps on this site. 1. …Rb3 leads to a deadly quadruple attack. The back rank weakness kills here.
I think the best move should be 1… – Rb3!!
1…Rb3 !!
1…Rb3 !!
1. …. Rb3
If either rook or queen takes on a5
2. …. Rb1+
with mate to follow
Any other move loses either queen or the f5 rook
1… Rb3
Black’s winning tactic here is to threaten mate by attacking the b1 rook by Rb3 simultaneously attacking the queen. Black will either trade the rook for the queen or go a full rook up.
1. …Rb3
2.Rxb3 Qxd2
and black has the advantage.
1. …Rb3
2.Qc1/d1/e1 Rxb1
3.Qxb1 Qxf5
and black is a rook up and should win.
Of course the queen is safe due to the back rank mate threat.
1. …Rb3
2.Qxa5? Rxb1+
3.Qe1 Rxe1+
4.Rf1 Rxf1#
In Memoriam:
I met Svetozar Gligoric many years ago and found him to be a gentle man with a gentle soul and an easy smile. He will be sorely missed.
Tom Keleman
1. … Rb3!
Black seems forced to find
1……… Rb3!
2. Qc1 Rxb1
3. Qxb1 Qxf5
1. .. Rb3