It’s your move
Posted May 13 2007
His secret & his attitude: “I give 98 percent of my mental energy to chess. Others give only 2 percent. … I am the best player in the world and I am here to prove it.” — Bobby Fischer
…Enthronement in Grandmaster (GM) chess can be achieved by winning every game in a major tournament, a tougher feat than the ones mentioned for bowling and baseball stars (and even tailors). Keep in mind that GM’s generally take first in major events by winning around a third of their games and drawing most of the rest. This year, for instance, former world champion Viswanathan Anand took the super GM event at Linares, Spain, by defeating only four of his 14 foes.
Earlier, in the Corus tournament in the Netherlands, three, including former world champion Veselin Topalov, tied for first with an average of just under five wins apiece in 13 rounds.
Four all-time great world champions have managed total domination of a major event: Emanuel Lasker, Jose Capablanca, Alexander Alekhine and Bobby Fischer. Fischer’s feat was especially notable since it took place in a U.S. Championship (1963).
Here is the full story.
He’s a whack job.
Fischer says:” … I am the best player in the world and I am here to prove it.”
…well….this is exactly why he didn’t play Karpov in 1975!! He started to realize there were other strong players too! And he was afraid of Anatoli.
Too bad that the Fischer-Karpov match never happened! I bet Karpov would have won anyway…. And Fischer knew that!
It would have been interesting though…
“And he was afraid of Anatoli.”
Aren’t we all afraid? It’s just normal to be. This is why Fischer was NOT afraid.
Oh yes, Fischer was so afraid of Karpov that he never defended his world title.
Karpov’s chess is of a much higher level than Fischer’s!
In the mid-70s, Karpov was the best chessplayer anyway.
‘Karpov’s chess is of a much higher level than Fischer’s! ‘
Really ???
Has he smashed any pretendent 6:0 ?
I do not remember that although all SU chess powers were assigned to him.
His all matches against much older Korchnoi were balanced and if there were not problems with Korchnoi family generated by SU ,( son in the jail, wife held in SU Korchnoi in the Switzerland) the results could have been different.
It is good to know the chess history.
” Karpov’s chess is of a much higher level than Fischer’s!”
Do You believe in that nonsence ?
fischer is by far the best player of all time. its not even close. fischer was never afraid of karpov. you have to understand fischer personality. he expects the ideal conditions before he agrees to a match. if they arnt met he wont play. he did the same with spassky. the conditions wernt met and he almost walked away from playing spassky in 1972. as far as this thing about doing a documentary that he didnt authorize. i think bobby is right because hes not the kind of person to make things up. if he says he didnt agree to this documentary format then it’s true. the problem i think is hes hard to track down. so they went ahead without his permission. im just looking forward to his book on the karpov kasparov 85 match where he said he would detail how the match was pre arranged. his other books were classics and im sure this would also be first class comparable to his previous works.
Also, Karpov himself in an interview admitted Fischer would have killed him in 1975 but he thought in 1978 he could have taken him. If you read Russians vs Fischer you will see they did not have confidence in Karpov winning in 1975.
I think the key point is his confidence. Without that, you cannot even begin.