Campo Honored with Lifetime Achievement Award

The Philippine Sportswriters Association shall give FIDE Honorary President Florencio Campomanes their highest honor, the Lifetime Achievement Award at ceremonies today. Campo founded the Philippine Chess Federaiton in 1956 and became FIDE Zone President, Deputy President and President from 1982 to 1995. He celebrates his 80th birthday on 22nd February.

Source: FIDE

New bank guarantee, FIDE replies
Jan 22, 06:29 PM

Two days ago Vesela Lecheva and Silvio Danailov finalized the deal for a new bank guarantee from Bulbank and sent it to FIDE. It is for $ 2 million and is again supported by the same organizing committee.

Today, FIDE replied. The letter to the Bulgarian team states, that the guarantee and the documents have been received. A decision on the future match will be taken on the 27th of January. The team of Vladimir Kramnik has also been informed about the current situation.

According to the news agency Focus, the letter contains an important line, saying, “Your proposal will be discussed in Antalia on the 27th of January, and then we will decide when the match Kramnik-Topalov will take place.” Expect the full text of the letter soon.

Source: Veselin Topalov Fan Site Posted by Picasa

Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar