Goichia: I declare this ship our new head quarters.
Laugherty: It is on dry land, I should sue you.
Aleria: If its on dry land, it’s not a boat, but a boat shaped building.
Jim Hanken: Goichi leaked the idea to me so now I am going to tell Slaoni and post it in rec.chess.
Roberti: I have been in the looney-bin since May 20 2008 and I hear Ray Porker is going to join me soon! The Girl Scouts have KIDNAPPED ME and are going to KILL ME with their cookies! Call NAMBLA and PETA!
Sloani: I like Girl Scouts, especially the young ones. Jerry Hanken told me so.
Motorshitahead: I am going to tell on all of you! I am such a dirty snitch. My daddies Goichi, Laugherty, and Sloani are going to love me long time.
Was the captain drunk?
What do you mean you’re giving me a parking ticket!?
This is the way how the USCF runs its business operation 🙂
van Wely on a cruise
this time around, noah will cruise in style
I told you we should use valet parking!
shit happens …
Ouch for Van Wely!
“Damn! I told you we shouldn’t have let Nigel Short drive!”
Our ship’s captain couldn’t move the chess pieces correctly, either…
The Love Boat run aground. . . .
On the good ship USCF…
The Ship-Gambit !
I thought global warming was supposed to prevent these problems…
Goichia: I declare this ship our new head quarters.
Laugherty: It is on dry land, I should sue you.
Aleria: If its on dry land, it’s not a boat, but a boat shaped building.
Jim Hanken: Goichi leaked the idea to me so now I am going to tell Slaoni and post it in rec.chess.
Roberti: I have been in the looney-bin since May 20 2008 and I hear Ray Porker is going to join me soon! The Girl Scouts have KIDNAPPED ME and are going to KILL ME with their cookies! Call NAMBLA and PETA!
Sloani: I like Girl Scouts, especially the young ones. Jerry Hanken told me so.
Motorshitahead: I am going to tell on all of you! I am such a dirty snitch. My daddies Goichi, Laugherty, and Sloani are going to love me long time.
..and when the sun rose the next morning, they discovered what that “thing that went bump in the night” really was.
“What happened to the water?”
Sam in Lubbock
The Love Boat got f****d!
Sam in Lubbock
Great edits mod!
Ok honey you are right. Next time I will ask for directions.
The winner of the 2008 full scale model competition: seagoing vessel, commercial category.
I hope you keep in mind children read this blog too! Keep your comments clean.
“Anonymous said…
I hope you keep in mind children read this blog too! Keep your comments clean.”
I unpacked my adjectives…
Like big, scary, and flaccid.
Like big jerk Laugherty.
Like scary man Roberti.
Like terminally flaccid man Slaoni.
Use your adjectives! English is fun, unlike Englishman Nigel Short. He’s a Choad strangler.
I unpacked my adjectives!