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Try these: Sicilian Defense, Empire Chess, USA Chess
“I never played chess with that woman, eh. ms. Polgarowski”
Hey you, with the blue dress, come over here….let me show you something.
I am an Obama girl!
Yes, I think Chelsea would be a better President than Hillary.
jeff billberg come on down! your the next contestant on the price is right
I like to point because I’m Bill Clinton!
I did not have a sexual relationship with that woman, my daughter.
“Obama touched that cleric—he has to move him off his campaign board.”
“Pull my Finger!”
“Close, but no cigar.”
Sam in Lubbock
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“I never played chess with that woman, eh. ms. Polgarowski”
Hey you, with the blue dress, come over here….let me show you something.
I am an Obama girl!
Yes, I think Chelsea would be a better President than Hillary.
jeff billberg come on down! your the next contestant on the price is right
I like to point because I’m Bill Clinton!
I did not have a sexual relationship with that woman, my daughter.
“Obama touched that cleric—he has to move him off his campaign board.”
“Pull my Finger!”
“Close, but no cigar.”
Sam in Lubbock