It’s saturday open forum! Aronian just won the 2008 Amber in impressive fashion. Carlsen clearly out performed Karjakin at Amber. Anand lost 4 rapid games in the same event which is almost unfathomable.
The potential controversy in the Topalov – Kamsky match is brewing. The Women’s World Championship was supposed to be held in Argentina this summer is now moved to a different venue, first Iran, now Turkey.
The USCF is heading to big losses again this year and it is expected to be even worse next year. Sevan Muradian continues to have excellent success with his North American FIDE Invitational series. He is about to host the IM Krush – IM Mkrtchian match.
What would you like to discuss? It’s saturday open forum! The forum is yours!
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I can’t imagine any woman wanting to play in a country such as Iran. Turkey is a more liberal Muslim nation. So, it was the right thing to do to change the venue from Iran to Turkey. Yet, it should be held in a civilized Western nation that treat women equally.
Yet, to have even considered Iran is disgusting. The country needs liberated from the dictatorial regime there…if Israel doesn’t do it sometime soon…the West will.
This aside…the Women’s WCC will be a great event! Lots of great players!
I have two questions:
1) I have a memo in my PDA that says Kasparov is supposed to be playing a charity or unrated match or tournament around this date. Does anyone have any news regarding this?
2) For Susan: If you don’t mind me asking, during all your traveling or during the days when you have some free time, do you play chess at all against a computer (on your Sony Vaio or smartphone)? (I don’t care what software; I only wonder if you play against software). Or do you have enough human opponents around to play casual games against?
How bad are the finances at USCF ? How likely is it that USCF declares bankruptcy ? What steps are being taken to avoid financial collapse ?
Good questions! Why is the USCF always in so much financial trouble. Perhaps they need some new money handlers!
I would also like to know what Susan is proposing as concrete steps to avert this financial crisis.
We can only hope that the USCF can find extra money trapped between cushions in their couches in their offices. I don’t think 75 cents in change will help much, but they really need to strat saving real money soon or else the organization will be only real on paper.
A contingency plan must be made to have a back-up plan to organize American chess once the USCF become bankrupt. I propose the United American Chess Federation. I am sure GM Polgar will have a hand in saving American Chess.
I asure fire way to avert this financial disaster is to have George Bush issue $2000.00 checks to each member of the USCF. At least he can bail them out like he is bailing out big business here in the USA.
Some cuts were made but by far not enough. I have clearly pointed out ways for the USCF to save around $100,000 or more without effecting members’ services at all. My proposals will cut wasteful spending and remove dead woods. Unfortunately, the board majority has ignored my proposals completely. There is no one doing quality control. There is no accountability system. Insiders simply protect each other.
The USCF is paying for various things which are not needed rather than obtaining it for little or no charge. Assignments and projects are STILL being given to friends and insiders instead of the best or most qualified people.
Another problem is there were potential sponsors including the SPF which wanted to help. We were willing to sponsor almost $30,000 cash for various events and projects and no one from the USCF got back to us for more than 3 months. In addition, a number of promises were not kept. The offers were then promptly withdrawn and that money will now be used to sponsor other activities. I know that some other people / organizations made similar complaints to me.
We are continuing to do the same old thing (which is clearly not working) hoping to survive rather than making things more productive and efficient.
The biggest problem will be legal fees. The political games which are being played right now can potentially bankrupt the USCF. Unfortunately, instead of doing the right things to save and grow this federation, decisions are being made to satisfy personal ego or for political purpose instead of the best interest of the USCF.
As I said before, some have no problem trying to destroy me personally, professionally and financially. They also have no qualm of harming my family and children. I have to say right now that unless the board is serious about changing the direction of the USCF for the better, I see a very dim future for this federation.
Best wishes,
Susan Polgar
It would seem the only hope is that the USCF lasts another year and a half when there will be new elections and Goichberg and most of his clique can be ousted.
Why did Randy Bauer backstab you?
It seems thoroughly dishonest to pretend to support you, get elected on your ticket and then immediately oppose you.
Which is the worst?
(1) The government of the USA?
(2) The leadership of FIDE?
(3) The leadership of USCF?
Seems that there are a lot of problems with so-called ‘democratic’ institutions.
Are there any lawyers interested in removing the infestation at the USCF? Surely if all the talk of corruption and political in-fighting is true (and I am not doubting it is) something can be done from a legal stand point.
Where there is smoke there is fire.
Where there is scandal there is corruption.