It definitely looks like John Lindsay, who was mayor of New York from 1965 to 1973. It would be nice to when this picture was taken, maybe we could determine what’s the medal hanging around Bobby’s neck.
Lindsay later ran for president, and he flopped worse than Rudy G. recently did. Really tho, the two men are a big apples and oranges comparison (their presidential bids flopped for different reasons).
It is a picture of Mayor John Lindsay on the steps of New York City Hall on the occasion when Lindsay gave Bobby Fischer the keys to the city after Fischer had defeated Spassky in a match for the World Chess Championship.
I recognize those shoes!
That is bob williams!
Notice how he is floating in the air.
I don’t know who the other guy on fischer’s left is.
He is standing next to the late Earl of Puddingham, the Lord Liverwurst!
Mayor John Lindsay of New York City. Once considered a rising politico and future contender for higher office.
wow, i have no idea little brats anos 9:50 and 9:55 can write and spell at the same time!
I was thinking it was Fridrik Olafsson
It definitely looks like John Lindsay, who was mayor of New York from 1965 to 1973. It would be nice to when this picture was taken, maybe we could determine what’s the medal hanging around Bobby’s neck.
New York Mayor John Lindsay.
That man is a Clint Eastwood look-alike!
It is former NYC mayor John Lindsay (D).
Lindsay later ran for president, and he flopped worse than Rudy G. recently did. Really tho, the two men are a big apples and oranges comparison (their presidential bids flopped for different reasons).
GeneM , for FRC-chess960
It is a picture of Mayor John Lindsay on the steps of New York City Hall on the occasion when Lindsay gave Bobby Fischer the keys to the city after Fischer had defeated Spassky in a match for the World Chess Championship.
I was there.
“Anonymous said…
wow, i have no idea little brats anos 9:50 and 9:55 can write and spell at the same time!”
And I am surprised you found a computer with Internet on it.
Now leave the public library you hobo.
nasty person wrote:
wow, i have no idea little brats anos 9:50 and 9:55 can write and spell at the same time!
I think you meant to say “I had” not “I have”. Unless of course you meant to be confusing.
I don’t know what an “anos” is. Maybe you should check your spelling before posting
why don’t you upload your trivia questions to so we could all play the game together (online)