Chess tactic Chess tactic, Puzzle Solving White to move. How can White save the e pawn? How should White proceed? Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
1.Nd5 Rxe6
2.Rxe6 Qxe6
3.Nxc7 winning the exchange
Agree, only need to continue with:
3… qe2
4. rd7
Nd5 doesn’t just win the exchange. I have a feeling that if black goes chasing the knight, this gives white time to play Rd7 threatening Qxh7#.
1.Nd5 Rxe6
2.Rxe6 Qxe6
3. Nf6+ Kf7
4 Rd7+ Qxd7
5. Nxd7 +-
Bob Hu said…
“1.Nd5 Rxe6
2.Rxe6 Qxe6
3.Nxc7 winning the exchange”
Yep, that’s what I saw as well, and the Rook can’t run away either without another exchange-losing fork.
So the answer is that white can’t save the e-pawn, but can make black pay double for it!
Hey, where’s Mr. Anonymous today, with the “white is so lost” comment?
I agree with bob hu. if black tries 3…Qe2 white plays 4.Rd7 +/-
Regarding the line posted by 2nd anonymous, it doesnt work because black plays 4…Be7 and the white knight falls
What about
1. Rd7
What’s Black’s response then?
1. Qf6
1. .. Bg7 2. Qxe7
1. .. Rxe6 2. Qxe6+
1. .. Re8 2. Rd7
2. .. Rxe6 3. Qf7+ followed by mate
2. .. Qxe6 3. Rxe6 Rxe6 4. Qf7+ followed by mate
2. .. Qxd7 3. exd7 Rxe1+ 4. Kg2 Re6 5. Qxe6 Rxe6 6. e8=Q